Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider as a teenager, granting him spider-like powers. After the death of his Uncle Ben, which he could have prevented, Peter learned that "with great power, comes great responsibility." Swearing to always protect the innocent from harm, Peter Parker became the Amazing Spider-Man!
Current Events
Affter the events of Superior Spider-Man, Peter Parker returns to life as Spider-Man. He also meets Silk, a mysterious girl who was bitten by the same spider that gave Peter his powers.
Peter Benjamin Parker was born to C.I.A. agents Richard and Mary Parker, who were killed when Peter was very young.
After the death of his parents, Peter was raised by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May in a modest house in Forest Hills, New York.
While still in High School, Peter attended a science exhibition about radiology where he was bitten by a radioactive spider, granting him the proportionate strength and agility of a spider as well as a " Spider-Sense"
that warns him of nearby danger.
In order to test his new abilities –
and earn some cash, Peter participated in a wrestling challenge against Crusher Hogan.
He easily won the challenge and also gained the attention of the media.
Afterwards while backstage, Peter saw a burglar run past him but did
nothing to stop him as it wasn’t his problem.
Later that night when
Peter arrived home, he was told by a policeman that his Uncle Ben had
been murdered by someone who broke into their house.
The cop mentioned
they had tracked the killer to a warehouse.
In his anger Peter put on
his wrestling costume and went after the murderer himself.
arriving at the warehouse and easily defeating Uncle Ben’s killer, Peter
saw that it was the same burglar he didn’t stop at the arena… thus learning that "with great power comes great responsibility".
In 1962, Marvel Comics editor and head writer Stan Lee
was looking for a new superhero idea.
He decided to create Spider-Man
as a character with whom teens could identify, as there was a recent
surge in teenage demand for comics.
Lee was supposedly inspired for the
concept of Spider-Man after observing a spider climb up a wall.
Lee had
to convince publisher Martin Goodman to introduce Spider-Man in the last issue of the canceled series Amazing Adult Fantasy, which was renamed Amazing Fantasy for that issue (#15, Aug. 1962).
Lee then approached legendary artist Jack Kirby
for an initial character design.
However Lee was dissatisfied with
Kirby’s attempt as the character turned out to be too heroic and
Spider-Man was supposed to be a teenage boy.
Lee then turned to Steve Ditko who developed the now iconic look of Spider-Man.
Character Evolution
Parker originally decided to use his powers to make money but after
Uncle Ben's death he decided to use his powers for good. I
n many ways,
this makes Spider-Man less of the 'boy scout' character people think;
the fact that he used his powers to have fun in the first place is
something people can relate to.
Initially, Peter Parker is shy and
timid, but the Spider-Man alter-ego was a form of liberation and
heroism, and he used it to gain confidence.
However, he found the moral
urge later, though some of his confidence and liberation remains, making
him a sarcastic wise-guy.
He has a extremely powerful
moral urge for good which is so strong that it made him stop working for
the Pro-Registration side despite having his mentor and friends on said
He also has a very compassionate disposition that
it can be said that he isn't just the most compassionate in the Marvel
Universe but also one of the most compassionate period.
thing he is well known for is his humor something that has been known
to greatly irritate his enemies and has sometimes even let him win the
fight. Furthermore The combination of moral obligation, compassion, and
humor makes him one of the most trustworthy, good people to hang out
The time between Spider-Man capturing the burglar
that killed Uncle Ben and him becoming a superhero was told over 30
years after his origin when the Amazing Fantasy series was continued in 1995 by writer Kurt Busiek
(#16-18, Dec. 1995 – Mar. 1996).
After catching the burglar that killed
Ben, Peter had given up being Spider-Man as it reminded him of his
irresponsible behavior that ultimately led to his uncle’s death. Even
though Maxie Shiffman,
the agent he had hired when he was a costumed wrestler, was putting out
ads to track down Spider-Man, Peter didn’t want anything to do with
that life. Ben had been the only earner in the family and after his
death Peter and his Aunt May were struggling for money.
A salesman tried
to con May into buying furniture that Ben had apparently left a deposit
on before his death.
Although the salesman had seemed genuine at the
time, Peter caught Mr. Vale
pulling the same stunt on an old widower when he was swinging through
the city in his Spider-Man costume to clear his head.
followed Mr. Vale to a warehouse where he discovered a whole gang of
organized criminals led by The Undertaker.
Spider-Man challenged the gang and soon had them rounded up for the
Chronologically this was the first time Spider-Man had been
threatened with a gun.
More significantly, during the fight he
discovered his Spider-Sense
for the first time.
Capturing these criminals lead Peter to believe
that this is how he has to make up for Uncle Ben’s death, by using his
powers to help others.
became a force for good, from stopping muggings to rescuing workers at a
construction site.
These heroic activities also gained him positive
media attention but he still didn’t want to get back in show business.
Even after Shiffman told him they could make millions, Peter chose
responsibility over money.
His heroism had also earned Spider-Man a
certain fan named Flash Thompson. Spider-Man soon encountered another teenager with superpowers of her own and he and Joey Pulaski became friends.
However it turned out that Joey was working for The Kingpin
and the friends inevitably clashed, resulting in Joey’s defeat and
arrest. Although portrayed as just a misguided kid, chronologically Joey
Pulaski was the first super powered being Spider-Man had encountered.
defeating Joey Spider-Man’s fame rose further.
One day after seeing his
aunt continue to struggle with the household finances, Peter finally
decided he had to bring in some money.
He contacted Maxie Shiffman who
booked him an interview on a TV show. Spider-Man was given the slot of
astronaut John Jameson much to the vexation of his father, publicist J. Jonah Jameson.
As the host began to introducing the show’s guests he was attacked by the super powered villain Supercharger,
who announced he will kill everyone in the audience to prove how
dangerous super powered beings were.
Spider-Man had never encountered a
super villain before and thought real super heroes should deal with
this. He attempted to call The Fantastic Four
but after Supercharger attacked someone in the audience, Spider-Man
stepped in and defeated his first super villain. “because that’s what
super heroes do”.
Major Story Arcs
Becoming a Hero
Peter's first super-villain confrontation was with a communist spy called the Chameleon
who could disguise himself as anyone. He attempted to disguise himself
as Spider-Man and steal some important documents but he was defeated by
the debuting hero, restoring his good name. Peter went on to get a job
at the Daily Bugle as a photographer, selling photos to J. Jonah Jameson
even though they were usually used against him. He eventually fought
his second super villain, The Vulture.
Due to his inexperience, Spider-Man was defeated but when the villain
got cocky, Spider-Man used a gadget of his own to defeat The Vulture.
Spider-Man then had his first confrontation with his most dangerous
villain yet, the tentacled madman known as Doctor Octopus.
Spider-Man was defeated by the more powerful Doctor Octopus in their
initial encounter which caused Peter to doubt himself for the first
He was encouraged by a speech given by the Human Torch to keep on
fighting. Spider-Man managed to defeat the villain by knocking him out
with one punch to the jaw, since Ock's powers came only from his
He would follow up this victory by fighting the shape
shifting Sandman, the lethal Lizard, who is actually Peter's mentor and friend Curt Connors, the Enforcers, Electro, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Doctor Doom, and his soon to-be arch-nemesis the Green Goblin.
being defeated on two more occasions by Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus
became more determined to defeat his foe and formed the Sinister Six,
a group consisting of five other villains who all share the same grudge
against the young hero.
Ock had each villain face Spider-Man
individually so that every member could reap the glory of Spider-Man's
death, but he secretly devised this plan to ensure the other villains'
defeat each time. After rendering Spider-Man tired, Otto lured him to a
fight by kidnapping Aunt May and Betty Brant.
Despite everything, Spider-Man came out victorious and saved the two
hostages. On his high school graduation, Spider-Man battled the Molten Man, who would turn out to be the stepbrother of Liz Allen. During his early career, Spider-Man would frequently team up with other heroes such as Daredevil, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, and the Human Torch
in particular.
Peter and Betty broke up after her brother was killed.
She couldn't bear the thought of losing another loved one as she feared
that Peter would die while taking pictures of Spider-Man. She later
settled in with Ned Leeds.
College Years
After graduating from High School, Peter Parker enrolled at ESU ( Empire State University) where Flash introduced him to Harry Osborn and Gwen Stacy.
During this time, Aunt May suffered from a serious heart attack. Peter
would constantly blow his friends off and they saw this as an insult.
Eventually their relationship would get better as Peter became more
involved with his peers. He and Harry became best friends and roommates.
Peter also started dating Gwen Stacy.
He would also meet Anna Watson's niece Mary Jane.
Although he was attracted to Mary Jane, Peter decided to settle with
Gwen because MJ was too much of a "party girl" for him.
Peter loves
Gwen, but their relationship was strained a bit by him constantly
leaving to fight crime.
Their relationship was saved by Gwen's father, Police Captain George Stacy,
an ally of Spider-Man, who approved of Peter dating his daughter.
Gwen's father was later killed during a battle between Spider-Man and
Doctor Octopus, after he was crushed by falling debris while saving a
In his dying breath, George called Spider-Man "Peter", revealing
that he had always known about his dual identity and urged him to take
care of Gwen. George's death caused a strain in the couple's
relationship because Gwen blamed Spider-Man for her loss. She left Peter
for some time to live with her uncle in London.
Arch-Nemesis: Green Goblin
suffering numerous defeats at the hands of Spider-Man, the Green Goblin
vowed to destroy his foe once and for all. Using a special gas that
blocks Peter's Spider-Sense, the Goblin followed Peter around and
discovered his secret identity. Now knowing Peter was Spider-Man, the
Green Goblin kidnapped him, and although he has the chance to kill
Peter, the Goblin instead revealed his own secret identity.
He was
Norman Osborn, a ruthless businessman who was also Harry's father.
Norman released Spider-Man from his restraints to defeat him in combat
and prove his superiority. The Web-Slinger managed to defeat him and
knocked him into some chemicals, resulting in Norman having amnesia and
no recollection of both his and Peter's alternate egos.
At one point, Peter felt that he was unable to carry the burden of
being Spider-Man any longer and considered retiring from super-heroics.
When the Kingpin
of Crime made his move to take over the city, Peter knew that it was
still his responsibility to protect the innocent and so he defeated this
crime-lord and returned to crime fighting.
Death of Gwen Stacy and Aftermath
At the end of the Silver Age,
Norman Osborn's memories began to flood back. He decided to hurt Peter
as much as possible as the Green Goblin. He kidnapped Gwen Stacy and
held her hostage at the Brooklyn Bridge. Spider-Man went to save Gwen
and, despite being ill at the time, managed to defeat the Goblin.
Goblin threw Gwen off the bridge and, although Peter caught her by
attaching a web line to her leg as she fell, the drop caused her neck to
snap. As Spider-Man held Gwen's dead body, he vowed to kill the Goblin.
He tracked him down to one of his warehouses. He brutally pummeled the
Goblin in a fit of rage but managed to stop himself from committing
murder. In one last attempt to achieve victory, Norman sent his Goblin
Glider to impale Spider-Man from behind. Peter ducks and the Goblin is
apparently killed from being impaled by his own glider.
Mary Jane
consoled Peter on the death of Gwen and the two started to date.
eventually proposed to her, but she refused and ended up breaking up
with him.
At this time Miles Warren, a college professor obsessed with Gwen became the deranged villain known as the Jackal.
He hired the Punisher to kill Spider-Man and he also made copies of both Gwen and Peter.
The Peter copy escaped and Gwen's copy
eventually went back to Miles. Harry Osborn followed in the footsteps
of his father and became the next Green Goblin.
He blamed Peter for his
father's death. Harry later lost his memory after a fight with
Spider-Man. Harry's psychologist, Bart Hamilton attempted to take up the mantle of the Goblin himself but was killed by his own bomb while fighting Peter.
Secret Wars and the Symbiote
The Beyonder transported Spider-Man along with other heroes and villains to Battleworld to take place in the Secret Wars,
an intergalactic battle between the world’s greatest heroes and
villains. During the battle, Spider-Man’s suit was badly damaged and he
needed a new one. Peter came upon a strange machine that produced a black substance which slithered over him and covered his entire body.
This new black and white costume, similar to Arachne's
costume, replaced his old costume. Once the heroes won the battle, they
were all transported back to Earth and Spider-Man kept on wearing the
suit because it enhanced his strength, speed, and agility. He would
start experiencing odd signs of fatigue and became even more concerned
when he discovered that the suit produced organic webbing. He took the
suit to Reed Richards who told him that it's actually a living alien symbiote,
which can only survive by bonding to a host and draining their
life-force away.
Reed used a sonic emitter to separate Peter from the
suit. Spider-Man was now without a costume and Johnny Storm,
as part of a practical joke, gave Peter an old Fantastic Four costume
with a paper bag for a mask and dubbed him the Bombastic Bag-Man.
Admiring the black suit's design, Spider-Man's then-girlfriend and
crime-fighting partner the Black Cat
made him a cloth version of the black costume which he would start
using for a time. The symbiote made its way back to Peter and attempted
to permanently bond with him, but Peter used the sounds of a church bell
to seemingly destroy the suit. It survived and found a host in Eddie Brock to become one of Spider-Man's deadliest and most recurring foes, Venom.
Death of Jean DeWolff
A close friend of Peter's, Jean DeWolff was killed by a criminal called the Sin-Eater.
Spider-Man became determined to capture him before anyone else was hurt
and so he teamed up with Daredevil, who also held a grudge against the
criminal. After an encounter with Sin-Eater that left an innocent
bystander harmed, Peter was drawn closer to the dark side. After saving
Betty Brant from the criminal, Spider-Man was tempted to kill him but
was stopped by Daredevil. The two heroes captured and unmasked the criminal and in the process formed a bond of friendship and trust between each other.
later, Spider-Man revealed his identity to the Black Cat who would end
up breaking up with him. She was unable to bear the fact that Spider-Man
liked to live a civilian life as Peter Parker instead of staying in
costume. Mary Jane would return to New York and she visited Peter in his
apartment. Meanwhile, the Puma had tracked down Spider-Man but Peter sensed his presence using his spider-sense.
for MJ's safety, Peter pushes her out of the apartment so that he could
fight the Puma as Spider-Man without revealing his identity to her. MJ
heard the sounds of battle. After Peter defeated Puma, MJ confessed to
him that she cannot handle the danger he puts himself in. She tells him
that she has always known his secret identity. Black Cat appears to
reconcile with Peter which caused MJ to run away crying. She considered
leaving town again but she then decided to confront Peter. They became
very close and they would tell each other everything. They were hiding
from their true feelings and Peter proposed to MJ. Although she
initially refused, after making amends with her sister,
MJ returned to Peter and accepted his proposal. Despite knowing that
they are still too young and Peter's double life may make things
difficult, Peter and Mary Jane tied the knot.
Kraven's Last Hunt
Peter's life did not get any easier after his wedding. As soon as he returned from his honeymoon, he was attacked by Kraven the Hunter
in one of the most traumatizing events in both Peter and MJ's lives.
Kraven was seeking to regain the honor that his family had lost and to
do so, he must prove his superiority over his greatest foe, Spider-Man.
After ambushing him, Kraven shot Peter in the head with a rifle and
buried him on his grounds. Kraven donned a black Spider-Man costume and
became a merciless vigilante. He even defeated Vermin,
a villain Spider-Man could not defeat on his own. After two weeks, it
was revealed that Spider-Man was actually alive and Kraven shot him with
a tranquilizer. Peter eventually made his way to Kraven's estate and
brutally pummeled the hunter. Kraven was unconcerned as he has proven
his superiority over his foe before and so he set the Vermin free. After Spider-Man left Kraven to capture Vermin, Kraven killed himself.
Birth of Venom and Carnage
The reporter Eddie Brock
had accused the Sin-Eater as one man. He then became very angry with
Spider-Man, when the webslinger unmasked Sin-Eater and it turned out to
be a different person. This caused Brock professional humiliation and
the loss of his job. When Eddie bonded with the symbiote and became Venom,
Eddie launched several attacks on Peter's life, even scaring MJ. Peter
stopped wearing the black suit following MJ's request. Eddie's symbiote
had an offspring which bonded with Cletus Kasady, a psychotic murderer,
to become Carnage.
Venom and Spider-Man were forced to team-up to defeat this new foe.
Some time later, Peter and Eddie formed a truce, promising never to
interfere with each others lives ever again.
Death of Harry Osborn
Osborn's memories of being the Green Goblin came flooding back and he
attempted to ruin Peter's life one more time. Before destroying a
building that contained Peter, MJ and his son Normie, Harry regained his sanity and managed to save them. Immediately after doing so, he died from being poisoned by the Goblin Formula.
Maximum Carnage
Harry's death, Peter decided to retire from super-heroics. After
Carnage formed a team of other psychopaths and went on a bloody rampage
around New York, Spider-Man was forced to team-up with his old foe Venom
again. The two of them, along with other heroes, managed to stop them.
Peter's Parents
parents suddenly appeared in his life, claiming to have been abducted
by communists. He had learned to love his "parents" and even revealed to
them his secret identity. They turned out to be robots invented by the
Chameleon to infiltrate Peter's life, discover his connections to
Spider-Man and then kill him. The robot that masqueraded as Peter's
father Richard was perfectly willing to accomplish his task and kill
Peter, but the Mary robot had learned to love Peter and saw him as good
person. Richard turned into a vicious engine of destruction. Before
Richard could finish Peter off, Mary killed him using an electric cable.
In return she was killed by the Vulture who was conspiring with the
Chameleon. An enraged Spider-Man completely pummeled the Vulture but was
stopped by the cries of his dying "mother". She told Peter in her last
moments that despite everything, she still loved him. Spider-Man vowed
to track down the Chameleon and make him suffer, which he eventually did
after fighting through many assassins sent by the communist. Peter
ultimately spared an emotionally broken Chameleon and left him for the
The Clone Saga
the Clone Saga, a controversial story arc, the long lost Jackal-made
copy of Peter Parker returns. For years he was believed to have died
after his initial encounter with the real Peter Parker. The clone, who
is now calling himself Ben Reilly
spent years traveling the world as he knew there was no place for him
in New York City again. When his aunt May was believed to be dying, Ben
returned to New York and eventually met Peter Parker. At first the two
fought and Peter saw Ben as a thread, but later on the two of them
worked together, with Ben even taken over as Spider-man for some time
when it was believed that Peter had lost his powers. It was also during
this time that aunt May seemingly died of old age. Before she passed
away, she told Peter that she had known about him being Spider-man for
some time now. Years later, it would be revealed that it was not aunt
May that had died, but a stand in that was the work of Norman Osborn.
Peter remained out of super-heroin for some time, untill his powers
seemingly returned and he and the Scarlet Spider fought side by side for
some time. The story arc lasted for two years and ended with the death
of Ben Reilly at the hands of a returning Norman Osborn who was revealed
to be alive and has been pulling strings from the moment he was
believed to have died. On that day, Peter felt to have lost a brother.
Although Norman Osborn was defeated, it was far from the last thing that
was heard from him. With his powers fully returned, Peter resumed his
work as the Amazing Spider-Man once again.
The Identity Crisis
After this saga, the Identity Crisis
story takes place in which Spider-Man is accused by a returned Norman
Osborn of murder and a bounty is put on his head. This is done by Norman
Osborn, whom had cleared his name as a criminal when he proclaimed that
he was not really the Green Goblin, but was set up by this criminal. He
had taken over the Daily Bugle and put a price on Spider-Man's head in
the newspaper. This lead to a variate of bounty-hunters to attack
Spider-Man. Feeling it to dangerous for himself and his loved ones to
remain the hero he is, Peter retires from being Spider-Man and forms
four different identities which he uses to keep on helping people and in
the meantime clear his name. Eventually Peter's name was cleared and he
returned to being Spider-Man.
Gathering of the Five
seemed that Spider-man was finally back on track, with his name cleared
and his life finally looking a bit better than it had in recent months.
Norman Osborn however kept being a disturbing presence to Peter and
Mary Jane. He started a ritual known as the Gathering of the Five, with
one person getting Ultimate power, one got death, one got insanity and
so on. Norman thought he gained power, but it turned out that it was
insanity that he got. He attacked and kidnapped Peter. While he was
captive, Peter got the shock of a life-time. His aunt May was standing
in front of him, alive and well. After Spider-man broke free and
defeated Norman Osborn, seemingly for good, as he was taken to a mental
hospital, Peter learned that it was in fact aunt May he found. Not a
clone, not a hoax. Norman had apparently kidnapped May years ago, and
had an actress surgically look like aunt May and play her part while she
was dying. This was why 'aunt May' knew about Peter being Spider-Man,
she was hired by Norman Osborn to play her! Reed Richards of the
Fantastic Four assured Peter it was his aunt. Peter saw this as a sign
and stopped being Spider-Man altogether, finally living a good life with
his aunt May and his wife Mary-Jane.
A New Chapter in Life and a New Spider-Woman
Peter had his aunt returned, he decided to stop being Spider-man for
good. He started living in a new apartment with his aunt May and wife
Mary-Jane. All of New York was wondering where Spider-Man could have
gone after his seemingly final battle with the Green Goblin. He would
not even react to messages send by Peter's good friend the Human Torch.
Peter had found a job at a science-center where he did good work and
stayed out of the superhero life, although it turned out that was harder
then it seemed. It was at this time that a seemingly new Spider-Man
appeared on the scene. It turned out that this was Mattie Franklin, a
participant in the Gathering of the Five, whom got the gift of Power.
She acted as Spider-man and later as Spider-Woman, when Peter finally
accepted that he was needed as Spider-man and returned to the life as a
All seemed to go well again until Mary-Jane,
whom had started acting again, was threatened by a stalker. It started
with phone-calls, but when Mary-Jane took a plane, it exploded in
mid-air and seemingly killed Mary-Jane. Peter, firstly stricken with
grief, did not believe she had died. He knew it must have had something
to do with the stalker, and Peter started a crusade to find out the
truth. This brought him to Latveria and in a fight against the Hulk
among others. Eventually, Peter learned that it was indeed the stalker
that had faked Mary-Jane's death and had held her captive during it all.
The stalker was a mutant that absorbed all of Peter's memories when he
was saved by him during one of Spider-man's fights on the streets of New
York. The Stalker needed Mary-Jan for himself because of it and he
felled he knew her. Spider-man managed to save Mary-Jane and defeat the
Stalker. Mary-Jane however was traumatized by the experience and needed
time of from her life as the wife of a superhero. The two parted ways
for some time.
A Death in the Family
Osborn broke out of jail and managed to clear his name of being the
Green Goblin. After failing to convert Peter into his heir, he started
to provoke Peter into killing him in a story called A Death in the Family.
Norman was sick of his life and wanted to die at the hands of
Spider-man. He tried to get Peter so mad that he would do this. First by
releasing footage of Gwen's death to the media, claiming that Gwen's
death was the result of Spider-Man's selfish actions. To make matters
worse, Norman forced a drunken Flash Thompson to have a car accident,
causing him to go into a coma. Spider-Man and the Green Goblin meet up
in one of Osborn's warehouses where Spider-Man defeats the Goblin.
Although he urged him to finish him off, Peter refused to play the
Goblin's game and proposed a truce. Norman accepts, but as he returns to
one of his offices, he puts a gun in his mouth. He is however to afraid
to pull the trigger.
meets a strange individual named Ezekiel, whom knows that he is truly
Peter Parker, and warns him of a powerful enemy whom will try to kill
him, known as Morlun. Peter follows Ezekiel and tries to find out why he
knows so much about him. Ezekiel tells Spider-man that he is part of a
"Spider-Totem", witch is why his enemies all are animals as well (Rhino,
Lizard, Doctor Octopus, Vulture). Spider-man does not care much about
these strange stories, but is happy with the help that Ezekiel provides
when he finally encounters Morlun. He barely defeats Morlun, and
struggles back home after the fight. He lands on his bed, with a torn-up
Spider-man costume and falls asleep. It is at this time that aunt May
enters the room and sees Peter as Spider-Man. The secret is finally out!
Aunt May walks away and uses a full day to comprehend the facts before
she finally confronts Peter with it. Peter tried to talk his way out of
it, but finally sees that it is no use and then told his aunt May about
why he became Spider-Man. It was during this time that Peter and
Mary-Jane again renewed their relationship and their marriage-vows.
Marry-Jane returned to live with Peter and the two where a happy couple
once more.
New Avengers
During a riot at the Raft prison, orchestrated by Electro,
Spider-Man teams up with other heroes to subdue the inmates. Since the
original Avengers have disbanded, Iron Man and Captain America decide to
form a new team of Avengers consisting of the heroes involved in
stopping the riot, including Spider-Man.
As an Avenger, Peter has become more acquainted with the super-hero community including the Fantastic Four, Hank Pym and Doctor Strange.
He trusted his fellow team-mates to the point of revealing his secret
identity to them. He also started working for Tony Stark at Stark Industries.
When aunt May's house is destroyed by an old school-friend of Peter
whom had gotten superpowers, Peter, Mary-Jane and his aunt are invited
by Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, to start living in Avengers Tower. Peter
and his family are doubtful at first, but eventually accept as a new
chapter in their life begins. Peter fought the good fight with the
Avengers while aunt May started a somewhat romantic relationship with
the Avengers' butler Jarvis.
The Other
discovers that he is suffering from an unknown disease that is killing
him. He seeks the help of the Marvel Universe's best scientists but none
of them could help him so he decides to accept the inevitable. He is
later attacked by the powerful Morlun,
and after a brutal fight, the totem eater rips off Peter's eye, eats it
and continues to beat Spider-Man to his apparent death. After his body
is sent to the hospital, Morlun attempts to consume him, but after an
intervention from Mary Jane, whom Morlun was about to kill, Spider-Man's
form suddenly changed. His eyes glow red, his teeth become razor sharp
and two poison stingers sprout from his arms. Peter attacks Morlun,
stabs him in the shoulder with one of his stingers and bites him in the
neck. He then apparently dies in MJ's arms. He finds himself face to
face with a Spider monster who tells Peter that he has to either accept
his spider side and evolve or die. Spider-Man embraces his "other" and
recovers. He reunites with his friends and family and reveals that he
has received new powers.
Civil War
During the Civil War, Spider-Man joins Iron Man's team ( and gets given an iron spider suit ) and dons a new Iron Spider costume. He supported the SHRA
to the point where he even revealed his identity to the public, but as a
result, his life was ruined as he is fired from his job, his old
friends turn their backs on him and his loved ones become targeted by
his enemies since they now know Spider-Man's secret identity.
Eventually, he discovers the rogue heroes' mistreatment by the
government and realizes that he sided with the wrong team so he betrays
Iron Man and joins Captain America's Secret Avengers,
He disregarded his suit that tony start had given him as it was prone
to being hacked, and he did not want to be seen using technology tony
stark had made, he reverted back to his original outfit.
Back In Black
After the war, Peter remains a fugitive and his Aunt May is shot by a sniper hired by the Kingpin.
Peter finds himself in a place he has never been before. He dons his
black costume and goes on a rampage to find his aunt's shooter. May has
fallen into a coma and is in critical condition. Eventually Peter
discovers that the Kingpin is the man responsible and tracks the
crime-lord to Riker's Island Prison. He savagely beats Fisk to a bloody
pulp but decides to leave him with his humiliating defeat as it's worse
than death for Fisk. Peter warns the other inmates to stay away from his
family and tells Fisk that when May dies, Peter will come back and
finish him. Since Spider-Man is a fugitive, he is unable to get proper
help for May and is forced to commit felonies to try and save her,
before realizing that he has finally become what he has spent his life
fighting, a criminal.
One More Day & Brand New Day
Peter becomes desperate to save May. He makes a deal with Mephisto
who offers to save his aunt and restore the secrecy of his identity in
exchange for erasing Peter's marriage to MJ. Mephisto gives the couple One More Day
to decide (hence the title of the story) and Peter reluctantly agrees.
He then wakes up in the house of May who is alive and well with no
recollection of the deal. This marks the beginning of the Brand New Day era, in which Harry Osborn is alive and Spider-Man meets new friends and foes. He fights new villains including Mister Negative, Screwball, the Spider-Mugger, Menace who is the girlfriend of Harry, Kraven's daughter Ana Kravinoff in the story Kraven's First Hunt, the New Vulture in 24/7, teams-up with Anti-Venom to fight Norman Osborn's Thunderbolts in New Ways to Die and is accused of murder during the Character Assassination story. When the Secret Invasion took place, Spider-Man helped his fellow heroes in fighting off the invading Skrulls.
Dark Reign
After the Skrull invasion, the Dark Reign
took hold. Norman Osborn was seen as a hero and became the leader of
the world's national security, hunting down the heroes. Spider-Man
attempted to stop him by infiltrating Stark Tower during the American Son
story. He fought Osborn once more when he is placed on Osborn's list
and managed to broadcast on the internet a video of Osborn conducting
horrible experiments. He then joined Captain America in intercepting
Osborn's Siege on Asgard, ending his Dark Reign. The aftermath marked the dawn of the Heroic Age in which Spidey became a member of the newly formed Avengers.
American Son
With help from the Invisible Woman and some of her husband's technology, Spider-Man kidnaps and imprisons Mac Gargan,
(they ambushed him in an alleyway, caught him in an invisible
force-field, all while Bullseye picks and eats a bogey) then poses as
him to infiltrate Avengers Tower, donning a special suit made by Reed
Richards, allowing him to appear as Mac Gargan with the Venom symbiote.
Norman has revealed a nefarious plot to his Avengers involving his son
Harry entitled "American Son". While alone, Spider-Man was ambushed by Daken,
who claims that Peter smells too clean for Gargan. Daken attacks and
uses his pheromones to shut down Peter's senses, however Peter focuses
on his spider-sense alone, and eventually defeats Daken by throwing him
into an electrical machine that electrocutes and knocks out Daken.
However, Harry reveals Spider-Man's disguise in front of Osborn's
Avengers,(even though Norman had known it all along, and only wanted to
ensure he had his son's trust) and he was held captive and tortured by Bullseye.
Identity intact thanks to his unstabilized mask, he escaped (subduing
Norman and Bullseye in succession out of anger). Unfortunately
Spider-Man was weakened by captivity, saved from Norman by a
guilt-ridden and angry Harry, who now knew the truth about his father's
relationship with Lily Hollister
(Harry's girlfriend,) and began using the American Son Armor to beat up
Norman. Peter watched the Osborns fight until Menace became involved,
whom he incapacitated. With Harry victorious, Spider-Man convinced him
not to kill Norman as it was exactly what the madman wanted.
Gauntlet & Grim Hunt
Spider-man fights classic foes during the Gauntlet story. A plot orchestrated by the Kravinoff Family who intended to recover Kraven the Hunter, something they managed to accomplish in the Grim Hunt.
Grim Hunt, Peter is already weakened and exhausted from his "gauntlet".
After a loud knocking at his apartment door and he opens it only to see
his estranged clone Kaine, beaten and bloodied. Before passing out,
Kaine reveals to Peter that the "Spiders" are being hunted. A loud
explosion is heard nearby his apartment and Peter goes to check it out
only to see Arachne fighting off Ana and Alyosha Kravinoff. Peter, being
weakened by the swine flu, struggles to put up a fight and manages to
impale Alyosha on a broken pipe, gaining him time to retrieve Arachne
and to escape. After retreating to Mattie Franklin's apartment, they are
approached by a dead Ezekiel. He then tells Spider-Man and Arachne that
they have to save Arana from the clutches of the Kravinoff's. As they
finally reach her, they become outnumbered and defeated and Arachne and
Arana are captured. Kaine eventually arrives to help out but was too
late to make a difference. He tries to warn Peter from following Ezekiel
but Peter lashes out in anger and the two set off to find Kraven's
When they finally reach the base, Chameleon reveals
himself as being disguised as Ezekiel the entire time. Spider-man then
gets ambushed and killed by the Kravinoff's. With Kraven finally back
from the dead, he shows his anger at Sasha by confirming that the blood
was not that of the real Spider-Man but of his clone Kaine. When Peter
awakens, he finds Kaine's body in a coffin with a note reading "Hunt me"
and his black costume lying beside the coffin. Spider-Man begins to
hunt the Kravinoff's one by one, first taking out Chameleon and nearly
killing Vladimir with a giant tombstone before dodging a point-blank
shot from Alyosha's rifle. Spider-man than appears on the roof of the
mansion and attacks Sasha, leaving the mark of Kaine on her face (using
his finger's abilities to rip the skin off of her face) in revenge for
the death of his clone and "brother". Spider-Man and Kraven then proceed
to engage into battle and the fight proves to be completely one-sided
as Peter goes all out with the intentions of killing Kraven for the
murders of his friends. As he is about to deliver the killing blow to
Kraven with his own spear, Arachne (As the new Madame Web) appears and
shows Spider-man a grim future that would follow if he decided to murder
Kraven. Spider-Man lets Kraven live and tells him that it's his second
and last chance to live.
They were still defeated by Spider-Man, Arachne and Arana. Peter reconciles with Mary Jane in OMIT and protects Norman Osborn's new born baby from Doctor Octopus during a story called Origin of the Species. The baby is revealed to be Harry's.
Big Time
The Big Time
story arc mainly deals with Peter's luck getting better after going
through much turmoil. As Spider-Man, Peter has become a much more
respected member of the Super-Hero community. Additionally, thanks to Marla Jameson, Peter has become a think tank scientist at Horizon Labs under the employ of known scientist Max Modell. Roderick Kingsley is murdered by a crazed Phil Urich
who takes up the mantle of the Hobgoblin. He takes on the mission
Kingpin initially assigned to Kingsley, which involved stealing a metal
called reverbium from Horizon Labs. On Peter's first day at Horizon
Labs, the lab is attacked by the new Hobgoblin who is using new weapons.
After a fight with Spider-Man, Phil steals the reverbium and delivers
it to Kingpin who allows Phil to work for him. Spider-Man designs
himself a new Stealth Suit (Which has the ability to turn invisible.) to
overcome Phil's Goblin Laugh which incapacitated him in their previous
encounter. Along with the Black Cat, he attempts to take down Kingpin
and Hobgoblin and steal back the reverbium. At Fisk Towers, Spider-Man
and the Black Cat fight the Hobgoblin, Kingpin and his Hand Ninjas. The
reverbium is destroyed along with Fisk Towers, and Hobgoblin and Kingpin
escape. But despite everything, Peter is now living a life with his
dignity intact. He now has a new girlfriend, a new apartment and a proud
Aunt May and Jay Sr. Part 2 Alistair Smythe and his Spider-Slayers are back and taking aim at Mayor J. Jonah Jameson and his astronaut son John once again. Smythe returns Mac Gargan to his Scorpion identity and attacks the launch site where John is flying the Vertex shuttle into orbit which will meet up with a Horizon Labs
space station. Spider-Man appears and web lines to a shuttle that just
took off. Smythe has locked down the controls and rigged its booster
rockets to explode before it leaves the atmosphere. To make matters
worse, the evolved Scorpion appears to kill Spider-Man. But with secret
help from Otto Octavius Spider-Man saves John. He gets help from the New
Avengers in defending Jonah but Smythe sends his Insect Army
after Jonah's loved ones. But Spidey and his friends cannot hurt the
Insect Army, they can barely even touch them, as Smythe gave them their
own spider-sense. Peter with the help from Max Modell creates the
spider-sense disruptor. He is given the detonator and must be far from
the center of the "explosion" or his sense might be also caught in in.
But during the second fight against the Scorpion, Scorpion destroys the
detonator, and Spider-Man must do it manually. And when he detonates it
he is caught in the epicenter. The Insect Army has lost the
spider-sense, but so has Spider-Man. After Spider-Man defeats the
Scorpion, he goes to check on the others but Smythe suddenly appears and
Spider-Man had not seen it coming due to not having spider-sense, but Marla Jameson
did. She jumps right in front of Jonah, and saves him but scarifies her
own life in the process. Spider-Man then defeats Smythe and for the
first time, Jonah refuses to blame Spider-Man and blames himself
Following Marla's funeral, Peter has a horrible
nightmare that causes him to question his methods in dealing with
criminals. People around him are dying because criminals keep on coming
back. After waking up, a shaken Spider-Man decides that things will not
remain as they are and vows that, whenever he is around and wherever he
is, no one dies.
Spider Island
is shown to be learning the 'Way of the Spider', from Shang-Chi, and
also seen neutralizing a couple of robberies. Jackal is revealed to be
working on a scheme, recruiting several spider-powered criminals for
some kind of project. Later, Peter and Carlie Cooper are talking when
Carlie reveals she has spider-powers. When news of several hundreds of
New Yorkers having manifested spider-powers reaches them, Carlie web
swings away to help. Peter then pretends to be another random
spider-powered New Yorker and defends New York against the
spider-powered villains, along with the Avengers. Anti-Venom is seen
curing people of their spider-powers, as he showed the ability to do so
in New Ways to Die. Jackal is seen working on the Spider-King, filled
with tiny embryos. Horizon Labs and Mr Fantastic work on finding a cure
while the Avengers keep Manhattan quarantined to stop the virus from
spreading. While at an lab, Peter and Carlie are attacked by Chance,
Scorcher, and White Rabbit, who also have spider-powers. Peter manages
to defeat them using his training from Shang-Chi. Jackal has the battle
taped and gives it to Tarantula to study, as he will soon be 'tested'.
Reed Richards finally develops a vaccine that stops people from gaining
spider-powers, but cannot cure those already infected. J. Jonah Jameson
discovers that he, too, has gained spider powers. Anti-Venom continues
curing people, however Madame Web faints from the massive excess of
spiders accessing the 'web of life'. Carlie meets up with Spider-Man,
when they attempt to take down Shocker, who has grown 6 extra arms.
After taking off his mask, they find that his face is slowly mutating
into a spider's face, and his body is doing the same. Carlie starts to
mutate as well.The Spider-Queen tells Jackal that the people of New York
will soon become spiders, and she will own New York.
and Horizon finally develop a cure to the virus, based off of
Anti-Venom's symbiotic abilities, able to kill the virus and reverse the
mutation, turning the spiders into normal people again. However, the
Spider-Queen sends Tarantula to poison the serum; Peter fights him off,
and Reed and Horizon manage to give Peter back his spider sense. Peter,
with his full power, defeats Tarantula and throws him into a pool of the
serum. The serum cures Tarantula of his degeneration and even the
Spider-Queen's mind control; the healthy Kaine offers to help Peter.
Madame Web and Spider-Queen are both reconnected to the Web.
Spider-Queen thus becomes a Spider-Goddess.
has now evolved into a massive, spider-like monster, drawing strength
from all infected New Yorkers. Mary Jane realizes that, because of her
long relationship to Peter, she has some immunity against the disease,
gaining spider-powers but not the subsequent mutations. Peter gives
Kaine the Stealth Suit (immune to the Queen's sonic attacks) and Kaine
goes to attack the Queen. Peter and Mary Jane gather several octobots,
outfitting each with several doses of the cure, making them go out to
cure people. Peter then connects with the antennae on top of the Empire
State Building, curing many people at once, while Mary Jane fights off
the spider-like creatures attacking them. Kaine jumps inside the Queen's
mouth, killing her by reflecting her sonic scream on her insides. The
Jackal uses a disguise to get samples of the Queen's bone marrow for
future experiments.
The following day, Peter learns from
Doctor Strange that the psychic blindspot put in place to defend his
secret identity has been destroyed, because of a viral video of
spider-powered Peter defending people. Carlie deduces who Peter is and
promptly breaks up with him for lying to her. Mary Jane admits her love
for Peter, and Peter administers an antidote to her. The two look up at
the Empire Stats Building, which is projecting a red and blue light,
thanking Spider-Man for his heroic deeds.
Ends of the Earth
Ock knows that he is soon going to die. Before his death, he wants to
be remembered as the man who saved the world by stopping the Greenhouse
effect. Spider-man doesn't believe Octavius, however, so he gathers the
Avengers in order to discover Ock's true plan and put a stop to it.
Unknown to Spider-Man, Doctor Octopus was well prepared for the fight
and the Sinister Six subdue the Avengers. Doc Ock is about to kill
Spider-Man, but Silver Sable comes to the rescue. She saves Peter and
the Black Widow, and they set off to Octavius' manufacturing plants.
There they encounter the Sandman, but they manage to beat him. Doc Ock
asked the nations to capture Spider-Man (his position enabled him to do
so) and he also called on many villains to take down Spider-Man. Parker
knows that he can't stop Otto alone, so he asks other heroes to destroys
Ock's facilities. When Spider-Man, Black Widow, and Silver Sable reach
the main base in Romania, Doctor Octopus activates his satellites and
every area that faces the sun explodes. It later turns out that this was
only an illusion created by Mysterio, rather than reality. Spider-Man
captures Mysterio and finds out that Doc Ock is hiding in Guatemala, but
after Pete, Silver, and Natasha arrive at the site they're attacked by a
group of mind controlled Avengers. Spider-Man, Black Widow, and Silver
Sable gain an edge because the mind controlled Avengers are unable to
fight as well as they would normally, and the Avengers are able to
return to their senses thanks to Mysterio's technology. Black Widow was
knocked out during the fight, however. Doctor Octopus launched several
missiles so the Red Hulk, Iron Man, and Thor try to put an end to it.
Mysterio reveals that Octavius' base is underwater, so Spider-Man and
Sable resolve to put an end to Otto's plot once and for all. They
unfortunately meet Rhino on their way, and he catches Sable and begins
choking her in the water. With her final breath, Silver tells Peter to
leave her and stop Otto. Spider-man is desperate to help her, but he
knows that he's running out of time and is left with no choice.
Spider-Man finally finds and battles Octavius, but he is eventually
caught in the Doc's metal tentacles. With Parker trapped, Octavius
reveals that his plan is to scar the earth, to be worse than Hitler and
the other monsters, and in that way be remembered. Octopus removes his
armor in order to activate his master plan, but Spider-Man tells Doc Ock
that he had made an error in allowing himself to be distracted just
long enough for Peter to break free. Spider-Man saves both Doctor
Octopus and the world, but at the cost of Silver Sable's life.
No Turning Back
been three weeks since spider-man foiled Doc Ock's plan and now Peter
is invited to MJ's, which is Mary Jane's Club, but he is still under the
weather because he was not able to prevent Silver Sables death, but
while Peter is "having fun" at the party Carlie calls and tells
Spider-man to come meet her at the cemetery. Spider-Man arrives and
Carlie tells him that the grounds keeper saw a pale man digging the
grave of Billie Connors with his bare hands and then vanishing into the
dark with the body. Spider-Man instantly realized that this pale
powerful man was Morbius and he goes to face him at Horizon labs.
Spider-Man, disgusted by Morbius' actions, starts to attack him, but
eventually stops when Michael explains that the reason he dug up the
grave was to find a cure for the Lizard, and he tells Peter that he has
already accomplished his goal. Spider-Man, hearing this, plans an attack
on the Lizard and the confronts him in the sewers and fights him for a
long period for time, but finaly Morbius and Spider-Man stab the Lizard
with enough hypodermic harpoons for Max to bring Connor's back. But the
Lizard is still in control, even in Kurt's body. The Lizard awakens
Morbius' violent vampire side, with the smell of blood. And while
Spider-Man was distracted with Morbius, Connors created the new serum
that will turn him into the Lizard again, but this serums turns everyone
into lizards except Connors himself, so while testing this serum
Connors turns the entire Horizon Labs crew into Lizards. When he finally
created the serum for himself, it turned him into a new version of the
Lizard. When Spider-Man comes after capturing Morbius, Carlie tells him
what has happened. Spidey creates a new cure and a battle ensures
between Spider-Man and the Lizard. When Spider-Man stabs the Lizard with
a harpoon filled with the cure, nothing happens, the cure doesn't work.
Only at the end we see that the cure has actually worked and now
Connors' mind is secretly in control of the Lizard's body.
teen outcast Andy Maguire went on a trip from his school to Horizon
Labs, where Peter Parker was holding an experiment. Tiberius Stone, not
liking Peter, sabotages the experiment, and Andy is hit with a ray of
Peter Particles. Soon after he discovers he has super-powers. When he is
examined by top greatest superhuman specialists, Reed Richards, Tony
Stark, Henry Pym and Hank McCoy, they discover that he has energy
projection, flight, super speed, super strength and force field, but his
limitation is he can control only one power at a time. Reed tells Peter
that he had discovered these particles, but didn't publish his work,
because he considered the particles too powerful and dangerous. He then
assigns Alpha as Spider-Man's sidekick. Alpha is however very careless
and eventually quits working with Spider-Man and goes solo. Spider-Man
decides then that there should be Alpha no more! Soon when earth is
under attack from Terminus, Alpha is called from Captain America to
fight him. During the fight Alpha behaves most irresponsible and almost
destroys planes flying in the air. Though Alpha defeats Terminus, Peter
observes that Terminus' staff can redirect Alpha energy. Then Spider-Man
calls Alpha for another "analysis" and uses the tech acquired from the
Terminus to strip Andy of his Alpha power, leaving him as nobody again.
Dying Wish
a modified Octo-bot, Octavius successfully transfers his
consciousnesses into Spider-Man, leaving him with Peter's memories and
body and Peter Parker in Doctor Octopus's dying one. After leaving Peter
for dead Otto begins to take on Spider-Man's life as his own. Peter
eventually took control of the golden Octo-bot and using one of Doc
Ock's own contingency plans had Scorpion, Hydro-Man and Trapster free himself from the S.H.I.E.L.D. prison The Raft.
It was then that Peter tried to redo the body switch with Ock who had
taken precautions to keep that from happening. Peter instead had Otto
relive all of Peter's memories showing Dr. Octopus how much he had
wasted his life. As a result of Peter's personality grafted to his own,
Dr. Octopus decided to continue on as Spider-Man and make up for his
past mistakes as the Superior Spider-man.
Superior Spider-Man
Otto Octavius took over as the new Spider-man it was revealed that
Peter is not in fact completely gone. His spirit appeared to stop Otto
killing Boomerang before vowing to reclaim his body. At his second day
as the new and improved Spider-man, Otto is greeted with a lot of
reporters, and for the first time in his life, JJ is nice to him, which
makes Peter very angry considering the trouble JJ gave Peter during all
his years as Spider-man. While this is happening, MJ and Carlie are
talking about how Peter and Mary Jane might get back together. Otto( or
Peter) meets MJ on their third date, and while MJ thinks it weird, Otto
makes it clear that "everything is going according to plan" , to
which Peter is surprised that MJ doesn't seem to notice the fact that
Peter is talking like a super villain. As the date begins a fire truck
comes driving really quickly, so Otto has to become Spider-man. as he is
gearing up, he remarks that he can't stand his spider life interfering
with his private affairs, to which Peter comment that he'd like to see
him make things better. Because of this, Dock Creates a spider-bot who
will serve as his eyes and ears. Ock then returns to his date with MJ,
and despite Mary Janes doubts on why Peter has been different these past
few dates, she still agrees on spending some time with him. After a
couple of dates, Otto is brooding in the corner on how MJ has not
succumbed to his will. However during this time Ock and Peter sense
danger nearby because there had been some mysterious people in the
shadows. Peter and MJ go for a swing. Spider-man drops her off at her
apartment, but he is not allowed to go in since Carlie is now staying
with MJ.
In the mean time Otto is enraged that he was yet
again rejected, but he finds a new way to be with Mary Jane, he
accesses Peter's memories. The next day Otto is dealing with his own (or
Peters) life while his spider-bots alert him that MJ is being attacked
by a bunch of vultures. Peter/Ock manages to save MJ in time but all of
Peters true feelings force Otto to let MJ go and break up with her,
because the "equation” does not end well, and so out of love he tells her that she has to let go, and then Spider-Man swings away.
on, Carlie was tasked to help Spider-Man against the Vulture, but
Spider-Man decides that he does not require any help at all. As
Spider-Man preps for his upcoming battle, Carlie notes that Peter has
been acting a bit peculiar for some time now, but Ock avoids her
suspicious through Peters memories.
Spider-Man later on
departs for his battle. As he is swinging, he starts thinking about his
previous partnership with Adrian, and Peter is for the first time able
to view Dock Ock's memories, and witnesses how Dock Ock and The Vulture
share a moment of friendship with each other. As Spider-Man reaches
Vulture's hideout, he at first tries to reason with Adrian due to their
past, but of course Adrian does not even listen and takes this attempt
of understanding as another trick up Spider-Man's sleeve. Spider-Man is
then attacked by a bunch of little vulture creatures, and as Ock punches
one of them, it is revealed that they are children, which sends him
into a rage since he was abused by his father as a child, which Peter
actually sees in Ock's memories.
The Vulture and
Spider-Man engage in battle while in the sky, and as Adrian seems to
have gained the upper hand, Spider-Man uses his tech to active the light
from the very spider-signal Jameson had made earlier on. The Vulture is
blinded and Spider-Man forces him to crash in to the very source form
which the immense light had emerged.
As Adrian is out
cold, Carlie is shocked of how Spider-Man had acted in this battle, and
there is a hint, that she might know that Spider-Man might not in fact
be Peter Parker.
When time passes, as Spider-Man is
fighting the likes of Vulture's minions and other foes, he notices that
he has gained much respect after taking on a much more drastic approach
to his crime fighting. When Ock decides that he has done enough for the
day, he goes to see how Aunt May is doing. The doctor confirms that Aunt
May will be needing a cane. Enraged, Ock Goes to horizon labs to fix
the problem, but his device is dismissed due to the fact that Peter
Parker isn't a doctor. Ock grows even more angry, and unexpectedly
decides to enrolled in a university to gain a doctrine in Medicine.
Massacre manages to escape from prison and kills Doctor Kafka in the
process. Otto vows to make Massacre pay by killing him, but Peter wasn't
exactly very happy with this news. Massacre takes a few hostages at a
restaurant and ends up killing most of them due to the fact that they
did not cooperate, and leaves only a mother and her child, whom he uses
to escape and blend in with the crowd. Spider-Man at the time asks
Jackson for his facial recognition device in order to track down
However, while all of this is happening, The
Vultures henchmen stroll around the city,but stop as they come across a
spider-bot, which is squashed, by none other than Green Goblin, who
declares that 'There is someone who can keep you all safe from the
spider. someone who knows his every trick, and how to crush him once and
for all! and that would be ME!
Later on Massacre
appears to the owner of the Phizzy Cola industries, threatening her into
agreeing on a proposition, the deal was that Massacre himself would
kill a bunch of people while wearing her competitor's t-shirt to give
the other company bad press. Peter in the mean time, locates Massacres
hostages and frees them, takes a lesson to pass his medical course (and
he actually bonded well with his teacher who is in fact a little person)
and then goes to stop Massacre from a killing spree.
arrives and after people were killed in a fight with Massacre,
Spider-Man shoots him in the shoulder, and with the consent of the
people kills Massacre off while the villainous maniac was crying for
finally feeling an emotion, which is fear!
Personal Data
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 167 lbs. 11.93 stones 75.75kg
- Eye Color: Hazel
- Hair Color: Brown
- Identity: Secret
- Place of Birth: Forest Hills, New York
- Citizenship: U.S.A.
- Education: College graduate (biophysics major), doctorate studies in biochemistry (incomplete)
- Occupation: Freelance photographer, former assistant high school coach, former science teacher, scientific researcher, Horizon Labs employee
- Known Relatives: Richard Parker (father, deceased), Mary Parker (mother, deceased), Benjamin Parker (uncle, deceased), May Parker (aunt), Will Fitzpatrick (grandfather), Amy Reilly (cousin), Amanda Reilly (cousin), Alexa Reilly (cousin), Benjamin Reilly (Scarlet Spider, clone, deceased), Kaine (clone), Spidercide (clone).
Powers and Abilities
possesses the proportionate powers of a spider, granted to him from an
irradiated Common House Spider (Achaearanea tepidariorum) which bit
Peter Parker that was apparently already mutated from prior exposure to
certain frequencies of radiation and received a final, lethal dose
during Parker's attendance of the exhibition.
radioactive, complex mutagenic enzymes in the spider's blood that were
transferred at the time of the bite triggered numerous body-wide
mutagenic changes within Parker, granting him superhuman strength,
speed, toughened flesh, and numerous arachnid-like abilities. Like many
superhuman powers, the effectiveness of Spider-Man's abilities varies
based on the author and the needs of the story.
has many abilities but the most amazing of all is his uncanny
Spider-Sense. It is a tingling sensation on the back of his skull that
acts as a "sixth sense" and it manifests when he is around or targeted
by incoming dangers. It's a precognition ability that is pheromone based
and is similar to Daredevil's radar sense, increasing his reaction time
and awareness. The spider-sense can manifest when Peter's secret
identity is about to be compromised. It also manifests when he
encounters someone who might pose a threat to him or to someone he cares
about. For example, when Peter saw his roommate Michele Gonzales
with one of her clients, his spider-sense warned him that the client
was actually a thug who was participating in a super-villain
gladiatorial contest. While the spider-sense cannot discern the specific
nature of the impending threat, he can identify which direction it is
coming from and the severity of the danger by the intensity of the
spider-sense. Sometimes it becomes strong enough to be painful. When
Spider-Man is blinded, the Spider-Sense works as another set of eyes to
avoid bumping into objects. When Daken
used his pheromones on Spider-Man, Peter closed his eyes and relied
only on his spider-sense to defeat his foe because the pheromones
corrupted his sight. A similar situation happened when Peter fought the
new Vulture who blinded him with acid in the eyes. Spider-Man relied on
this ability to survive this fight. Of course his Spider-Sense is a
great help when he faces people in the dark. This has been proven in his
fight with Iron Fist.
The spider-sense can lose its effectiveness when Peter is too
distracted, tired or when he chooses to ignore it although its difficult
to do so because it is heavily linked to his reflexes. There were also
times that his spider-sense wasn't very effective due to the Spidey's
previous lack of formal training, but this has since has been largely
rectified since learning the Way of the Spider. Under extreme
circumstances, such as fighting in the dark or against powerful
characters, Spidey has often used his spectacular spider-sense in a more
effective and better way. The Spider-Sense also gave him his own
free-style form of combat, allowing him to go head-to-head with the best
martial artists in the Marvel Universe and his H2H skill has improved
significantly since merging his Way of the Spider training with his
Spider-Sense. Furthermore, the Spider-Sense also allows Spider-Man to
detect certain radio frequencies on which his spider tracers' signals
are based upon. During Spider-Man's first encounter with the Chameleon,
the villain used a certain radio frequency to send a message to
Spider-Man via his spider-sense. The Spider-Sense, combined with his
speed and reflexes allows Spider-Man to dodge almost all conventional
attacks. Due to the similar nature of their powers, Spider-Man is unable
to sense other "Spiders", such as Ben Reilly, Ezekiel, and Kaine.
During the Big Time story, Spider-Man used a device to block Alistair
Smythe's minions' enhanced senses, but also disabled his own
Spider-Sense. After the events of Spider-Island, Peter regained this
Superhuman Strength
has the proportionate strength of a spider, thus allowing him to press
10 tons without effort and much more when under stress. His attacks are
so strong; they could kill a normal person- Spider-Man has to pull his
punches or kicks when not fighting foes with similar or higher strength
levels to avoid fatalities. His strength also extends to his feet,
allowing him to leap great lengths and attain a heights of much greater
three stories with one powerful jump. Spidey's strength has made him
capable of going toe-to-toe with opponents including Doctor Octopus, Venom and Rhino. He has even held his own against powerful heroes such as Iron Man and the Hulk.
It's also shown that Spider-Man can break free from Doctor Octopus's
nearly indestructible arms albeit with much effort, although this was
due to the Sinister Six suit enhancing his strength. Spidey's strength
and durability also give him incredible stamina allowing him to exert
himself beyond the limits of humans as his body produces less fatigue
toxins. He was able to fight Morlun continually for many hours, and has
stated an ability to hold his breath for at least twice as long as
non-enhanced humans. After his encounter with the Queen, Spider-Man's
strength had been increased to the point where he has become able to
lift over 15 tons without effort and after the Other story arc he was
able to lift at least 20 tons without effort. During that time, he wore
an Iron Spider costume designed for him by Tony Stark which increased
his strength further allowing him to lift over 25 tons without effort.
He has stopped wearing the Iron Spider costume after the Civil War and
his enhanced strength was erased by Mephisto
after the One More Day storyline. Spider-man's best strength feats tend
to come during periods of emotional duress- for example in a fight with
Iron Man 2020, where when a boy was injured mid fight, an enraged
Spider-Man jumped up to his flying height and hit him with such force
the foe was sent flying hundreds of feet into a building, which was
destroyed on impact. Another instance was when he lifted a segment of
the Daily Bugle, after the building was attacked by the Green Goblin. In
both cases, he didn't have any enhancements from the Queen or the
Superhuman Speed, Agility, Flexibility and Reflexes
possesses the uncanny speed, agility and reflexes of a spider. He can
move at a speed that surpasses that of the finest human athletes. This
is particularly evident over short distances. He has frequently
speed-blitzed many foes- including those with enhanced speed and
reflexes, moving so fast that he leaves blurring after images. He has
been described as moving with the speed of machine gun fire, moving
faster than the eye can follow, and moved so fast that Daredevil (who
has enhanced reflexes and senses) could barely register him, and was
unable react to a punch he was knew Spider-Man was going to land. Over
longer distances, his speed seems less pronounced, but he was still able
to outrun Kraven and his cheetahs (both of whom can run at over 60 mph)
and has easily outran speeding cars. However, this could be due to his
preference of Web-Slinging over longer distances than due to an
inability to maintain higher levels of speed over longer distances.
Spider-Man can easily perform the most complicated acrobatic moves as
his body is extremely flexible, giving him agility, balance and bodily
coordination that surpass those of the finest human athletes. Spider-Man
is considered the best when it comes to balance in the Marvel Universe,
as he possesses excellent equilibrium allowing him to balance himself
on any object. Even some of the most agile street-level heroes like
Captain America, Daredevil and Wolverine
are nowhere near Spider-Man's level of speed and agility. Spider-Man's
reflexes are forty times greater than peak level humans, and when
combined with his Spider-Sense, speed and agility, enable him to dodge
bullets and other conventional projectiles with ease. During the Grim
Hunt storyline, he even dodged sniper rifle fire at point blank range-
after the bullet had been fired.
Superhuman Durability
also has incredible durability to blunt trauma as his body is much
tougher than that of a normal person. He can withstand such levels of
damage and punishment that would kill non-super powered individuals. For
example he has frequently taken blows from characters with high levels
of superhuman strength (Hulk, Venom, Rhino, Puma, Green Goblin etc)
without sustaining significant injury. He has also survived the force of
having a building collapse on him multiple times. This durability
extends to falling from great heights. For example, he was once knocked
through three buildings by Mr Negative before falling multiple stories
to the ground, yet still remained conscious. His durability to blunt
trauma also extends to explosive forces, and he has taken explosions
with the force of a hand grenade and recovered nearly instantly in a
recent fight with the Juggernaut. In the Sins Past Storyline he tanked a
building destroying explosion, but was significantly weakened
afterwards. The toughness of Spider-Man is such that he often rolls with
the blows of punches thrown by non-powered foes to avoid injuring them-
when he once decided to tense his abdominal muscles against the blows
of a trained boxer, the boxer broke his wrists. Scorpion once described
Spider-Man's body "as being as hard as concrete".
Spider-Man's durability isn't nearly as formidable against penetrative
forces. He can be hurt by knives and bullets much in the same way that
normal humans can, and has been rendered unconscious by a tracking
bullet which pierced his shoulder. Normal bullets also tend to cause
Spider-Man problems as well. When he lost his Spider-Sense and faced a
villain known as Massacre who utilized multiple weaponry and traps,
Spider-Man decided to make a bulletproof suit from tech at Horizon labs.
However, if injured by such forces, Spider-Man healing factor allows
him to heal much faster than normal humans can.
Wall Crawling
exposure to the mutated spider venom induced a mutagenic,
cerebellum-wide alteration of his engrams resulting in the ability to
mentally control the flux of inter-atomic attraction (electrostatic
force) between molecular boundary layers. This overcomes the outer
electron shell's normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer
electron shells and permits the tremendous potential for electron
attraction to prevail. The mentally controlled sub-atomic particle
responsible for this has yet to be identified. This ability to affect
the attraction between surfaces is so far limited to Spider-Man's body
(especially concentrated in his hands and feet) and another object, with
an upper limit of several tons per finger. Limits to this ability seem
to be psychosomatic, and the full nature of this ability has yet to be
established. Spider-man utilizes this ability in his locomotion across
New-York, but also has the ability to use it offensively, in a manner
resembling the Mark of Kaine. Spider-Man rarely uses this ability
though, due to its brutal and disfiguring effects. It also works
differently, ripping off layers of skin and muscle, rather than burning
it as Kaine does via the HCL secreted through his palms.
Organic Webbing
are different areas in different comic book universes where Spider-Man
has organic webbing, which is often shown as being stronger and more
long lasting than his synthetic variants. Spider Man has organic webbing
from the movies (of course) and 616 (end of civil war, back in black,
etc.) Spider Man also has organic webbing in the 2099 universe. It seems
the strength of his webbing relates directly to his health.
Superhuman Stamina
advanced musculature produces less fatigue toxins during physical
activity than an ordinary human. This allows him to exert himself
physically for much longer periods of time before fatigue begins to
impair him. At his peak, Spider-Man can physically exert himself at his
peak capacity for many hours before the build up of fatigue toxins in
his blood begins to impair him. He once fought Morlun for many hours
continuously, and has stated an ability to hold his breath for at least
twice as long as non-enhanced humans.
Regenerative Healing Factor
has a limited healing factor. While not on Wolverine's level, it is
sufficiently powerful enough to recover from severe injuries from broken
bones and large amounts of tissue damage in a matter of days. After
getting his powers, he soon found that his eyesight was repaired,
discarding his glasses. During a battle with a villain called the Masked
Marauder, Spider-Man is rendered completely blind, however after about 2
days his sight was perfect, albeit sensitive for about a day after. In
another instance, he suffered multiple broken bones, trauma, and blood
loss when he was defeated by the Rhino, but was fine in the next issue.
Foreign Chemical Resistance
to his accelerated metabolism, Spider-Man has a higher tolerance for
drugs and diseases than normal humans, and he can recover from the
effects of larger doses rapidly. During an encounter with the Swarm,
Spider-Man was incapacitated by thousands of bee stings, but recovered
in less than 24 hours. In another example, he was able to recover from
the effects of gases nearly instantly. His resistance and recovery time
to other toxins and diseases varies, but is typically significantly
higher than normal. Spider-Man's unique physiology even allowed him to
recover from the effects of vampirism. Spider-Man was able to recover
completely from acid being spat into his eyes by the new Vulture; Jimmy
Natale, although the extent of the damage may have been restricted due
to his superhuman durability. However, Spider-Man has the normal human
tolerance for alcoholic beverages.
Superhuman Sight
also seems to have at least some degree of Super-Human sight, at least
in order to assist his Superhuman speed, reflexes and agility. Ever
since obtaining his powers, he has not needed his glasses, and has
frequently pulled off impressive aiming feats with his webbing, although
this is assisted with his Spider-Sense. Perhaps most impressively,
during Spider-Island, a depowered Hercules with Spider-Man's power-set
said he could see bullets in slow motion.
top of his spider-given powers Peter is of genius level intelligence.
It has even been stated that Peter scored as high on some of the same
testing scores as Reed Richards
did when he was Peter's age. He is especially gifted in the sciences
such as mechanics, biology and physics. This has become particularly
apparent during his time working at Horizon Labs, where he was able to
create a device to drain Alpha of his powers in less than 24 hours.
has built many devices in his career as Spider-Man and is a skilled
photographer and teacher. He has developed a unique style of combat
through the years. Spider-Man, even before his training from Shang-Chi,
has gone toe to toe with even the best marvel fighters. His spider-sense
alone is like a close combat expert and combined with Spider-Man's
reflexes and physical attributes, make it very difficult for
Street-levelers to defeat him when he is not holding back.
approaching the Spider-Island arc, Peter felt vulnerable with the lack
of his spider sense. He began training under Shang Chi to create his own
unique martial arts style to make up for his lack of spider sense
called the "Way of the Spider". It was then revealed that Shang Chi was
instructed by the new Madam Web (Julia Carpenter the former Arachne and
Spider-Woman) to secretly prepare Peter for a future threat
(Spider-Island). This style consists of among other things, hitting
pressure points with Spider Strength, and striking with Spider Speed.
This new martial art has considerably improved Spider-Man's H2H
capabilities, and so far he has stalemated Julia Carpenter and
effortlessly defeated 3 spider-powered individuals in a few seconds
during Spider-Island. When he regained his Spider-Sense, he defeated a
mutated Kaine who was considerably stronger and quicker than him, and
effortlessly trumped a mind controlled Spider-Woman, in handful of blows
and kicks.
Weapons and Equipment
Perhaps, Spider-Man's most famous piece of equipment is his self built web-shooters
which allow him to shoot sticky ropes of webbing which he uses to swing
from building to building. They are a pair of special wrist devices of
Peter's own design that contain a material that mixes with air to
web-like material. They can be used in many different ways by varying
the pressure and adjusting the nozzles of the spinnerets. They can take
the form of strong thin lines, as fine quick spreading lines, or as a
thick adhesive liquid. Spider-Man can either use the webbing as
web-gloves to protect his hands, as a Web-Parachute, an air-proof
Web-Dome, a Web-Shield that offers protection from bullets and energy
blasts, as small "web-bullets" that bounce off opponents, use the
webbing to ensnare an opponent, tie foes up with a rope and hang them
upside down from vertical poles, pulling his foes towards him, or shoot
them in any direction he chooses Spider-Man's primary means of
transportation is by the use of his webbing to swing around the city. He
shoots a strand of webbing to a high location, like the edge of a
building, and pushes his body towards any direction he chooses while
holding on to the web, allowing him to traverse at an accelerated speed.
This artificial webbing lasts for an hour before fading away. More
recently he has evolved biological web shooters that spray webbing from
his forearms but this power has been erased by Mephisto after the One
More Day storyline.
Utility Belt
Spider-Man wears a belt under his costume that contains a built-in Spider-Signal.
He uses it as either an unconventional light source or as a way to
intimidate lesser villains. The belt also contains spare web cartridges,
tracers, the camera and his mask when not in costume.
possesses his father's automatic camera which zones in on the spider
symbol on Spider-Man's chest. It takes photos whenever movement is made
in front of it. He would place the camera in a certain spot and springs
into action in front of it, allowing him to take photos of himself. As
Spider-Man he uses the camera to capture his heroic exploits to then
sell the photos to the Daily Bugle.
The Spider-Tracer
is a typical tracker that is shaped liked a spider and is aerodynamic
for flight. The tracers are very small so it will not be noticed when
attached to a person. The tracers contain a special radio frequency that
his Spider-Sense can detect. He usually uses the tracers to track
objects or people via his Spider-Sense within a 100 mile radius.
Spider-Man fires the tracers at high velocity using his web-shooters and
he has them coated with webbing in order for them to be firmly attached
to their target. Since Peter lost his Spider-Sense, the use of the
Spider-Tracers is rendered obsolete since he can only track them using
his enhanced senses.
white areas in Spider-Mans eye cut-outs on his mask are really clever
plastic lenses of the two-way mirror type. He can see out very clearly,
but no one can see in. Therefore, he can never be recognized by the
color of his eyes. These ingenious plastic lenses also protect his eyes
from dust, dirt, and the glare of the sun. Spider-Man's colorful
head-mask conceals his facial features and expressions and also
effectively muffles his voice, making it unrecognizable. When using the
Iron Spider-Man suit, it changed his voice in many ways. When Spider-Man
became an Avenger, a special comm-link was outfitted into his mask
allowing him to communicate with his fellow Avengers as well as others.
The Spider-Mobile
would first appear in The Amazing Spider-Man #130 in 1974. Spider-Man
would be approached by Corona Motors who offers him a non-polluting
vehicle in which they wanted him to promote. However, Peter turned it
down and approaches his friend Johnny Storm
to create their own vehicle. They customized a dune buggy to have
web-launchers and a spider-signal. It could also be disguised as a
regular car so that no one would suspect that he was Spider-Man.
Spider-Man would put it into action but it is quickly wrecked because Mysterio
tricked Peter into driving it off a pier. Later the Tinkerer would be
able to recover the wrecked dune buggy and re-modify it to be able to
drive up walls and to drive itself. The Tinkerer sent it to fight Spider-Man, in which he would barely defeat his own car.
Equipment since working at Horizon Labs
Horizons Labs, the combination of a well paying job and access to
numerous tech has allowed Peter to expand on the equipment he uses. So
far he has developed a Spider-Glider, Thermodynamic Foam, Cryo Pellets,
voice activated web-shooters and various types of webbing, including
magnetic and acidic variants. Many of the equipment have usage in
day-to-day usage as well- for example the cryo pellet technology was
used to help keep organs and limbs viable for longer periods of time.
The Thermodynamic foam also has use in the stopping and prevention of
Dock ock created specific spectators which keep watch of new york, saving spider-mans the trouble to patrol.
has changed his costume many times but would always return to his
classic and most well known look which has varied sometimes. He has had
many memorable costumes, including the Black & White symbiote suite,
the Red & Gold Iron Spider suit, the Identity Crisis costumes, the
Scarlet Spider costume, the White & Blue Armored Spider suit, the
Bag-Man costume and recently he has started wearing a black & green
costume. You can view several of Spider-Man's costumes in his costume
It is Spider-Man's original and main look that
has defined Spider-Man since his first appearance. Although it has seen
many variations, it has remained one of Spider-Man's essential traits.
During Spidey's early appearances, the costume was black & red with
blue shadings. In later issues, the colors change and they become red
& blue with black shading but some artists use the black color to
give the character more depth. Also, Spider-Man was portrayed having
webbing underneath his armpits that extended from his wrist to his
waist. Over time, the under-arm webbing has shrank and some artists
decided to draw Spidey without the webbing although it still appeared in
some modern appearances.
Black Suit
Spider-Man discovered the symbiote costume during the Secret Wars
and it became his primary costume until he discovered that it was an
alien feeding on him. With it, he had an unlimited supply of webbing,
and the suit could mimic his civilian clothing. It didn't, contrary to
popular belief, enhance his powers. After meeting with Mr Fantastic, he
decided it must be destroyed and would later get rid of it using the
sounds of a church bell. It would later bond with Eddie Brock to form
the deadly villain known as Venom. The Black Cat would later give Spidey
a cloth version of the black suit which he would start wearing for a
time, switching between it and the red & blue costume. After the Kraven's last Hunt
story and the appearance of Venom for the first time, Mary Jane urged
Peter to stop wearing the costume because it reminded her of those
traumatizing events. During the Back In Black story, after Aunt May was
shot by a sniper, a darkness filled Spider-Man's heart like never
before. He wore the black costume to show this dark side, becoming much
more ruthless towards enemies (using torture for example). Peter
attempted to infiltrate Stark Tower to stop Norman Osborn, he used a
black costume made of unstable molecules to disguise himself as the
Venom. During the Grim Hunt story, after Kraven was recovered, he
presented Peter with a black costume as a calling card after the
Kravinoffs killed Peter's "brother" Kaine. He once again wore this
costume and became aggressive towards the villains, vowing to hunt them
all down. He was about to kill Kraven with a spear until he was
convinced otherwise by Arachne and Arana. The black suit represents Spider-Man's dark side.
Iron Spider suit
After the " Other"
story arc, Tony Stark designed for Peter a specialized Red & Gold
costume that is similar to Tony Stark's Iron Man costume. It was
designated as Spider-Man Armored Fighting suit Version 1.1 which was
made of a liquid nano-fiber. It provided Peter with the added functions
of a short-ranged gliding function, increased strength, heat-resistant
Kevlar microfiber that provided resistance to small caliber bullets,
built-in fire, police and emergency scanners, visual amplifications such
as infrared and ultraviolet, carbon filter in the mouth to prevent
inhalation of airborne toxins, and a short-range GPS microwave
communication system. All of which are controlled in the computerized
control system in the titanium chest piece in the costume. Another very
useful addition was a stealth mode which allowed Spider-Man to blend
with the environment or even disappear completely in some backgrounds.
Along with this came the customization option to instantly switch
between any former style he's worn (Spidey suit, black suit, normal
clothes, etc); all on the same suit. It also contained three retractable
spider legs called "waldoes" which can be used as offensive weapons.
Spidey wore this costume before and during the Civil War but Tony, in
order to keep an eye on Peter, had the costume feed him with information
about Peter, notably the Spider-Sense. When Peter revealed that he was
going to switch sides and fought Iron Man, the latter used a voice
activated override which incapacitated Peter for a while. He had already
known about this and used his computer expertise to disable the
override and managed to defeat Iron Man with a surprise attack. He then
discarded the costume and returned to wear his original costume when he
joined Captain America's team during the Civil War. The members of the
initiative team known as the Scarlet Spiders would start wearing costumes of similar design and functions.
Spider Armor
in an ESU laboratory, Peter invented a white & blue suit that was
made of steel plates that were from a pseudo-metallic composition using a
modified webbing formula. He used this costume during the "My enemy's
enemy" story where he fought Blood Rose, Gauntlet and the heavily armed
New Enforcers. The costume was destroyed by acid during the battle and
was never rebuilt. Despite providing Spider-Man with increased
durability and strength, it slowed down his movements.
Insulated Costume
fighting Electro, Spidey had to modify his costume to defeat his foe.
He once made a costume from a rubber air mattress that made victory over
Electro possible. On another occasion, when Electro's powers were
amplified, Spider-Man used an improved version of the insulated costume
that was resistant to Electro's attacks. With the help of X-Man, Spider-Man once again defeated Electro.
Bombastic Bag-Man costume
Peter was separated from the symbiote by Mr. Fantastic, he was left
without a costume and as part of a practical joke; the Human Torch gave
him an old Fantastic Four costume with a paper bag for his head, dubbing
him the Bombastic Bag-Man. When he was accused of murder, Spidey would
use this moniker on another occasion to prevent others from identifying
him but this time he only wore a Paper-Bag mask while only wearing
orange pants.
Green Goblin costume
During the Goblin Heir
story, in an attempt to have Peter become his heir, Norman Osborn
brainwashes Peter into going on a rampage wearing a Green Goblin
costume. Peter would burn down the Stacy's house and attack his friend
but was totally unaware of these activities.
Scarlet Spider costume
Ben Reilly appeared in Peter's life, he donned a new costume and dubbed
himself the Scarlet Spider. He wore a blue hooded sweatshirt with a
large spider symbol over a red Spider-Man costume with the web-shooters
shown on the outside. Peter wore it shortly, when Ben took his place in
Stealth Costume
During the Big Time
storyline, in an attempt to defeat the new and improved Hobgoblin,
Peter creates a stealth suit. He is able to do this through his new job
at Horizon Labs. The Stealth Suit warps light and sound to become
invisible and totally silent, it is also impervious to sonic attacks. He
also created special lenses so that he can be seen by people if needs
be. The lighting on the suit can change between green, orange and blue.
Orange is for the secondary mode which disrupts sonic frequencies from
infrasonic to ultrasonic but is visible. Blue is it in normal mode which
can be seen and heard. However, a side effect of this costume is that
while he can be impervious to sonic attacks, it also prevents him from
hearing others. For example, while fighting the Hobgoblin and the
Kingpin, Spider-Man was unable to hear the Cat's cries for help.
Future Foundation Costume
When Peter joined The Future Foundation he was given a new costume by Sue Storm. The suit is made of third generation unstable molecules.
It has basic default settings however, by concentrating Peter can
change the suit's designs and color. Spidey, Ben, Sue, and Reed will
work along with other members of The Future Foundation to protect the
Marvel Universe from its greatest future threats.
New armored costume
To fight the deranged villain known as Massacre,
Peter built himself a dark colored bulletproof armored costume that
deflects bullets, and equipped himself with magnetic webbing that can be
used to disable the radio frequencies of Massacre's charges. It is also
lightweight, but needs to recharge after a certain period of usage.
Peter has also incorporated the technology in improving road safety.
The Spider Suit
on a counter Earth, Peter Parker temporarily used his evil/good
doppelganger's uniform. It was a look at the classic Spider-Man suit,
red & blue, however with a modern twist. The Spider suit had web
shooters built into the wrist bands/arms, and also featured a cape for
mobility. This was used when Peter Parker's counterpart was badly
wounded and needed Peter, Amazing Spider-Man, to fight crime in New York
for a short time while Peter, the Amazing Spider, healed up. In the
end, Peter Parker found out that his counterpart was actually draining
the abilities of other Spider-Men and soon took the permanent role as
the Amazing Spider.
The Sinister Six Armor
During the recent Ends of the Earth Storyline, Spider-Man wore a new suit of armor designed to counter the abilities of the Sinister Six. It provided him with extra physical protection to withstand hits more blows from The Rhino as well as an immunity to Electro's Attacks. The helmet had audio sensors which could identify The Chameleon by the sound of his heartbeat and special vision modes to allow him to see through Mysterio's illusions as well as to track the particle of sand that holds Sandman's
consciousness. The gauntlets were designed to shoot larger amounts of
webbing than the traditional web-shooters as well as switching between
his normal webbing and the new magnetic webbing. It also seems to
enhance his physical strength.
Superior Spider-man
Ock took over spider-mans body, he decided t be a better and 'superior'
spider-man. So, he had made a advanced armor of the normal spider-man
suit. Spider-man has adamantium webbing, high sensors in his eyes, claws
on both his hands and legs, and his other inventions are yet to be
Alternate Versions
For full arc summary see: 1602
Peter Parquagh
is the apprentice of Sir Nicholas Fury, the royal spymaster. He is
bitten by an unusual spider, and later assumes the identity of the
Spider. A time rift causes some of Marvel's most well known heroes to
come into existence over three hundred years early, in 1602.
Age of Apocalypse
For full arc summary see: Age of Apocalypse
Peter Parker is executed due to his friendship with, and potential as an ally for, Gwen Stacy, who is a rebel.
For full arc summary see: Amalgam
Spider-Man is amalgamated with Superboy, forming the character Spider-Boy, whose civilian identity is Peter Ross.
Bullet Points
For full summary see: Bullet Points
grows up without the influence of Uncle Ben, and becomes a moody and
rebellious teenager. While cutting school he is accidentally exposed to a
massive dose of Gamma radiation from a Gamma bomb, transforming him into the Hulk.
The title of Spider-Man itself was taken up by Bruce Banner, who was bitten by a radioactive spider he was experimenting with.
Parker himself is killed later in the story during a confrontation with Galactus.
Chapter One
For full summary see: Chapter One
Spider-Man's origins are retold and altered slightly.
For full summary see: Counter-Earth
The Peter Parker of Counter-Earth died after suffering from radiation exposure.
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe
For full summary see: Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe
Spider-Man fights Deadpool, and is killed when Deadpool shoots him through the head.
Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe
For full summary see: Punisher Kills the Marvel Universe
battled Venom in New York's sewers when they were lured into the
Punisher's trap. They are both heavily injured and Punisher proceeded to
shoot Spider-Man with a shotgun, killing him.
is a less than sane version of Spider-Man originating from Earth-15
that bonded with the Carnage symbiote, and he is a psychopathic killer.
He was sentenced 67 consecutive life sentences in prison.
Eventually he got unhinged in time and placed on the Weapon X team by the Timebroker, because the original Weapon X members were killed. He was generally rude and very much disliked the team leader, Sabretooth.
Spider-Man is a time-traveller and associate of Killraven. He joins Killraven in turning back a second Martian invasion, and is killed in the fighting.
Earth X
For full arc summary see: Earth X
In this universe Parker is not a superhero, and eventually becomes a police officer. A mysterious figure known as The Spiders Man also appears.
Earth Z
This version of Spider-Man is killed when the Sandman mistakes him for the zombified version of himself.
For full arc summary see: Elseworlds
Parker appears in numerous alternate realities visited by the Exiles. In some of these realities he is a psychotic killer, a member of the Fantastic Five, a mutant, and an abused child.
House of M
For full arc summary see: House of M
Apparently a mutant,
Parker leads a comfortable life under the mutant regime; he is powerful
and wealthy, married to Gwen Stacy and raising their son Richie,
and enjoys the care of both Aunt May and Uncle Ben. His life falls
apart when his publicist J. Jonah Jameson reveals that he is not a
natural-born mutant.
Identity Crisis
For full arc summary see: Identity Crisis
this universe, Peter's Uncle Ben does not die. Instead, he encourages
Peter - otherwise known as the Amazing Spider - to create a machine that
allows him to absorb the powers of counterparts from other realities,
killing them in the process. Using this device, Peter becomes the most
powerful person on Earth and capable of defeating the likes of Thanos.
When 616 Spider-Man enters the Amazing Spider's reality, he tries to
absorb Spider-Man's powers as well but is ultimately defeated when his
Uncle Ben accidentally attaches the power absorbing machine to him.
Spider-Man is transplanted to India, where his origin is retold in this new setting. His civilian identity is Pavitr Prabhakar.
Marvel Adventures
origin remains the same, but his supporting cast is altered. He also
tends to be more concerned with street-level crime than supervillainy.
He dates a mutant named Chat.
Marvel Zombies
For full arc summary see: Marvel Zombies
Spider-Man is zombified by Captain America. Unlike many of his zombie
compatriots, Spider-Man is consumed with guilt over his need to eat
flesh, though he is unable to prevent himself from satiating his hunger.
He later eats Galactus, and becomes one of The Galactus, a number of
heroes who obtain Galactus' powers due to consuming him. When his hunger
begins to fade he turns on his fellow zombies, and later travels to
Earth Z, where he kills the Sinister Six.
He makes attempts to find a cure and succeeds, filling Sandman with
nanobites and using him to wipe out all zombies, including himself.
For full summary see: MC2
Parker's daughter May
is returned to him and Mary Jane, but he continues as Spider-Man. He
loses a leg fighting the Green Goblin, gives up on superheroics and
joins the police. He has trouble dealing with his daughter taking up the
family business as Spider-Girl, though he supports her and occasionally
aids her as Spider-Man. He and Mary Jane have one other child, Benjy.
Mutant X
Man-Spider possesses six arms, and was briefly replaced by a clone. He is later killed.
the 1930s, Spider-Man gains strange powers from the Spider God, and
decides to use them to take down Norman Osborn and his crime syndicate,
who were responsible for the murder of Uncle Ben.
Old Man Logan
For full arc summary see: Old Man Logan
Spider-Man is killed in a fight between heroes and villains that left the villains victorious. He had a daughter with an unidentified woman, and his daughter later went on to marry Hawkeye and they had a daughter named Ashley.
Spider-Man is a Horseman of the Apocalypse, specifically Pestilence. He possesses six arms, as well as poisonous fangs. He is also a cannibal.
For full arc summary see: Powerless
does not have superpowers in this universe. He was bitten by a
radioactive spider, but it caused his hand to atrophy. He gains the
nickname "Spider-Man" on the internet.
retired from superheroics, Parker is brought back into the game by the
reappearance of a number of his villains. He uncovers a plot by Venom to
take over the city.
Rise of the Imperfect
Earth-50701 Spider-Man is abducted by an alien scientist and injected
with a mysterious drug that corrupts him and causes him to attack fellow
abductee The Thing. He is attacked by the Human Torch and Storm,
both also corrupted, and in the scuffle is wounded, causing him to
bleed the drug out of his system, returning him to normal. He is
returned home, and later joins other heroes in fighting the scientist's
Imperfects and their invasion attempts.
Spider-Man Unlimited
Spider-Man fakes his own death after being blamed for the disappearance of John Jameson. He travels to Counter-Earth and joins Jameson as a member of the resistance against the High Evolutionary.
this modernized retelling of Spider-Man's story, high schooler Peter
Parker is bitten by a genetically engineered test subject and gains
spider powers. Parker later dies, and the mantle of Spider-Man is taken
up by Miles Morales.
What If?
appears in numerous What If? universes. Among these are realities in
which he is a member of the Fantastic Four; in which he was not bitten
by the spider but some other supporting cast member was; in which he
chose not to go into superheroics; in which he joins with Wolverine and
takes up black ops work; and in which he becomes a mutated spider
X-Men Forever
Following the faked deaths of the X-Men, Spider-Man meets and fights crime alongside Rogue for an evening. He later helps the team defeat some Sentinels, and is determined to be trustworthy, with the team willing to entrust the secret of their continued survival to him.
Other Media
Spider-Man (1967),
would be the first time that Marvel would have Spider-Man as a cartoon
character. This version of the Spider-Man series debuted on ABC
September 9, 1967 and lasted up until June 14, 1970. This story is about
Peter Parker, a science student at a New York City
witnessing a radiology experiment would be bitten on his hand by a
radioactive spider. He then starts to find that he has amazing powers.
He realizes that he has the spider's leaping, wall-crawling, spider
sense, increased endurance, and super strength. He made himself a red
and blue outfit and mask and produces a web-spinning fluid enabling him
to swing from the buildings above the streets of Manhattan. Peter's
first enemy would be the person who had killed his Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben
would be killed by a burglar, a criminal that had ran past Peter earlier
at the television studio. Peter didn't really care at the time and
didn't help the police. This lead to Uncle Ben's death. Angry and upset,
Peter sought his Uncle's murderer and webs him. After this tragedy,
Peter would become a costumed crime fighter protecting New York. Peter
Parker would be voiced by Bernard Cowan, Spider-Man would be voiced by
Paul Soles, Len Carlson voiced Captain Stacy, Peg Dixon voiced Betty
Brant, and Paul Kligman voiced J. Jonah Jameson. This series would also
be well known for its theme song. It was performed by a vocal group with
lyrics written by Paul Francis Webster and quick-tempo instrumentals
performed by Bob Harris, published by Buddah Music, Inc. Lyrics
"Spider-Man. Spider-Man. Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any
size. Catches thieves- just like flies. Look out! Here comes the
Spider-Man! Is he strong? Listen, bud. He's got radioactive blood. Can
he swing, from a thread? Take a look overhead. Hey, there! There goes
the Spider-Man! In the chill of night, at the scene of a crime. Like a
streak of light, he arrives just in time! Spider-Man. Spider-Man.
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. Wealth and fame? He's ignored. Action
is his reward. To him, life is a great big bang-up. Wherever there's a
hang-up, you'll find the Spider-Man!"
Spider-Man (1978)
The Toei Company had made a television series based on Marvel's famous hero as a tokusatsu in Japan.
Even though the powers and costume are the same; the man behind the
mask was a young motorcycle rider named Takuya Yamashiro who instead of
getting bitten by a radioactive spider follows his archaeologist father
and discovers a UFO called "Marveller" from the planet "Spider". When
his father was killed exploring the ship, Takuya meets the lone survivor
from Spider. It gives him a bracelet that not only grants him the same
costume and the same powers as the American version but it also allows
him to summon a giant robot (which looks an awful lot like a Power
Ranger zord) to fight the evil of Professor Monster and his monstrous
minions. The series lasted 41 episodes and is available in streaming
video on Marvel's website.
Spider-Man (1981)
series debuted September 12, 1981 and ended on September 11, 1982. This
was the second animated production of Spider-Man after its original
series that started in 1967. This series was produced by the newly
formed Marvel Productions, having risen from the ashes of
DePatie-Freleng Enterprises. The company that had produced the 1978 New
Fantastic Four and 1979 Spider-Woman animated series. This version's
character design would be later used for the series Spider-Man And His
Amazing Friends series and would have some of the same people play as
the same characters. The character designs for the series were based on
the classic style of Spider-Man artist John Romita
and were very similar to the visual look of the comics from the mid 60s
to the early 80s. This series tells the life of Peter Parker a
college student
lives a life as Peter and Spider-Man. They also used the same
characters as before, such as: Peter's Aunt May, J. Jonah Jameson:
Editor of the Daily Bugle, Betty Brant: Jameson's secretary and classic
damsel in distress, and later on during the series, Robbie Robertson,
Jameson's assistant. Spidey also faces some of his usual foes such as:
Green Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Mysterio and the Chameleon. This also
included a six part story arc where Spidey goes up against Doctor Doom
throughout the series. Spidey was voiced by Ted Schwartz in this series.
Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends (1981)
And His Amazing Friends series debuted on NBC on September 12, 1981 and
lasted through September 10, 1983.This would be the third animated
adventure for Spidey which would end up being more popular than its
previous series Spider-Man, which ended the same year this new show
would start. After Spider-Man in 1981, NBC wanted to take Spider-Man on a
different route which would appeal to more audiences. In this series,
Marvel adds X-Men's Iceman and adds a new superhero named Firestar.
She gave Peter Parker a room that turned into a secret superhero
hi-tech headquarters. This would change the title of the show to
Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends. This series would added new villains
only for this show and also have superhero team-ups throughout the
series. They would fight some old enemies such as: Doctor Octopus, Scorpion, Green Goblin, Kraven the Hunter, Swarm, Chameleon, Electro, Mysterio, the Kingpin of Crime, Shocker, Sandman, Beetle, and other Marvel enemies such as: Doctor Doom, Magneto, Loki, Mordred, the Red Skull, and the Juggernaut. The Spider-Friends would also team-up with superheroes such as: Sunfire, Captain America, Shanna the She-Devil, Namor the Submariner, Doctor Strange, The Hulk, Thor, the third Black Knight,
and the X-Men. For the second season of this show the title would be
changed to "The Incredible Hulk And The Amazing Spider-Man." This second
would be for an hour show that would feature 30 minutes of Spidey and
friends and 30 minutes of Hulk. The third season of this show would then
be reversed to "The Amazing Spider-Man and The Incredible Hulk." This
would be the last season and would also still revolve around Spider-Man
and his friends. Spider-Man was voiced by Dan Gilvezan.
Spider-Man: The Animated Series (1994)
animated series debuted on Fox on February 4, 1994 and lasted through
January 31, 1998. The cartoon revolved around a 19 year old Peter Parker
(voiced by Christopher Daniel Barnes) in his first year at Empire
State University
The story begins with Peter already having his Spider powers and is a
part-time photographer for the Daily Bugle. Spider-Man would battle many
classic villains and newer villains such as Green Goblin (Norman and
Harry Osborn), Hobgoblin, the Chameleon, the Lizard, the Scorpion,
Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Rhino, the Kingpin of Crime, the Shocker,
Vulture, Venom, and Carnage. Peter would eventually get into a romantic
relationship with Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, and eventually fall for Mary
Jane Watson. Although Gwen Stacy was never in the series, Marvel gave us
a little teaser in the series finale story arc, having Spider-Man go to
an alternate universe and meeting Gwen Stacy herself. A very important
story arc in this series began as the finale of Season 3 in the episode
entitled "Turning Point." In which the Green Goblin kidnaps Mary Jane
and throws her off the George Washington Bridge, similar to the story
arc "The Night Gwen Stacy Died." However, with the heavy censorship in
the 1990s not allowing television to have heavy violence, death being a
part of it. Marvel decided to have Mary Jane and the Green Goblin fall
into an inter-dimension vortex instead. Season 4 was mostly about the
guilt that Spider-Man has to carry for losing Mary Jane. He tries to
rebound with the Black Cat, but Mary Jane eventually mysteriously
returns to life. Season 5 starts off with the much anticipated Wedding
of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson-Parker. With season 5 being the
last season, Marvel dropped a bomb on us by revealing that Mary Jane was
actually a clone created by Dr. Miles Warren.
To make matters worst, the Mary Jane clone was water based and was made for Hydro-Man. Next, Marvel did a tribute to the Secret Wars. Madame Webb
was going to help Spider-Man find the real Mary Jane, who was still
alive somewhere. As Spider-Man continued his search for Mary Jane,
Madame Web and the Beyonder set up a chain of events where Spider-Man
faced different versions of himself from different universes. One was
him, where he is a rich multi-millionaire, and wears a metallic
Spider-Suit, and has publicly made his identity known to the world. This
version was made to mirror Marvel's popular super hero
multi-billionaire, Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man. Spider-Man in another
reality he went to, found out he was married to a woman he never met in
his life, Gwen Stacey. Gwen had never appeared in the series until now.
Gwen revealed information of another Parker alternate reality. This one
was strongly grieving of the death of Aunt May, he cut his hair, died it
blonde, and went out as Spider-Man. However, he met a foe he could not
beat, the Carnage symbiote. The symbiote felt the pain of Ben Reilly as
he changed his name to negate any Parker ties. The symbiote and Reilly
bond to become Spider-Carnage. All of the different Spider-Man
realities, including the real Spider-Man, battled Spider- Carnage. They
could not defeat him however. When he sees Gwen Stacey, his love of
killing is put on hold, since he has romantic feelings for Gwen he has
never gotten over. He thus realized what he had become, and committed
suicide. After all was said and done, one Spider-Man had to take him
with him to his reality. This one is our world. He is astounded at the
fact of being an international symbol in our world, and before he
leaves, he meets with the man who created him, Stan Lee.
Spider-Man Unlimited (1999)
series debuted on Fox October 2, 1999 and lasted through March 31,
2001. Spider-Man, in this series, was voiced by Rino Romano (making him
the only voice actor to play both Spider-Man and Batman, the
most-recognized characters from both DC and Marvel). This animated
series was supposed to be the continuation of Spider-Man: The Animated
Series show from 1994. This series would also take part in the future.
The series starts off at the Polaris One site where JJJ's son, John Jameson
is talking to the public. About 6 months ago, through an advanced space
warp drive engine, the man made probe called Alita projected itself to
the far side of the sun where Alita recorded an exact duplicate of
Earth. An Earth-like planet in the same orbit on the other side of the
sun. John continues to talk about the probe being destroyed. Since then,
people question should there be a man-made mission to go to " Counter Earth".
He goes on to say that there should be one to find out what was
responsible for this and there should be an investigation. Peter then
leaves to change into costume because his spider-sense is tingling. He
sees Venom and Carnage and confronts them. The spaceship is readying for
take off and Spidey battles Venom and Carnage while wondering what they
are doing and why were they trying to stow away on the spaceship. Venom
restrains Spidey and Carnage tells him that nothing will get in the way
of them going to "Counter Earth" and joining the Synoptic. Spider-Man
gets kicked off the flight and gets blamed for what happens to John
during his mission. Six months later, they launch the Solaris II rescue
mission to go to "Counter Earth". The Webslinger appears with his new
suit featuring nano technology "borrowed" from the lab of Reed Richards.
Microscopic robots cover his entire body with anti-symbiote devices. He
is stopped by Nick Fury
who gives Spidey a chance to redeem himself by taking the space shuttle
to "Counter Earth", so he can go rescue John Jameson. Once on "Counter
Earth", after almost being burned up on entry, Peter is under arrest and
is sought out by Lord Tyger and the High Evolutionary.
Spidey meets the people who are chasing him, known as the Knights of
Wondergore. Lord Tyger introduces himself and the rest of the Knights of
Wondergore; Ursula, Lady Vermin, and Sir Ram.
While being chased throughout the city, he realizes that there is a
high tech society where humanoid animals have taken over and the normal
people live in the overpopulated slums. He was captured and told of what
happened by the High Evolutionary who came from another planet to seek a
place where petty humans squabbles; greed, selfishness, violence, and
hatred was no more. He built his paradise with many experiments, using
animals that he now calls Beastials. They are under the leadership of
the High Evolutionary,
are stronger, faster, and free of the primitive human mind. Spider-Man
was rescued by the resistance who had been told that the war lasted for
50 years. Spidey finds John in the resistance deciding to stay until the
humans are free of the High Evolutionary's oppression. Peter blends in
with the humans to see what the "Counter Earth" world was like. After
saving Shane Yamada-Jones from the robots, Naoko, Shane's mother, a
doctor, helps Peter. He takes him into their home, providing Peter pays
rent, giving him two weeks rent free for saving Shane's life. This
series doesn't last long. Only thirteen episodes were broadcast ending
with a cliffhanger. Six more episodes were made for the second season
but were never aired.
Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003)
series debuted on MTV and aired from July 11, 2003 through September
12, 2003. The series would continue where the successful live action
feature film left off. The series starts with Peter already having his
spider powers and follows his superhero adventures and his friends,
Harry Osborn and Mary Jane Watson during their first year of college at
Empire State University.
Peter must juggle academics , a
job as a Web designer/photographer for the Daily Bugle, and on-again /
off-again relationships with various women, all the while fighting to
protect the world from super-villains. This series is the shortest of
all the Spider-man cartoon shows, having only 13 episodes. He was voiced
by Neil Patrick Harris.
The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008)
series debuted in March 8, 2008 and is still in continuation, airing on
the CW 4Kids at 10:00 a.m on Saturday mornings. This series would also
make the 10th television series about Spider-Man. This series starts
with Spider-Man (voiced by Josh Keaton) talking about how he spent his
summer vacation and introducing himself as the Spectacular Spider-Man.
The day before school starts he wants his piece of the action. He ends
up stopping Flint Marko and Alex O' Hirn.
Spidey says that this was his third time stopping them and he pulls out
his new device, the spider-signal. Norman Osborn acquires a new enemy
in The Vulture. Before he became The Vulture, he was a man who worked
for Oscorp and created an invention known as the tech. flight. He
demands that Norman publicly apologize to him for stealing his
inventions and to say that it was all his idea. Norman won't apologize
stating that no one would believe that he had created it. But all is not
lost, as he is soon saved by Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. The
series artwork was created by Sean "Cheeks" Galloway. The same person responsible for some character design work for the Hellboy
animated movies. The character designs resemble those of The Batman TV
series, as they have been designed by the same people who worked on that
show. This series is supposed to be like the 1960's version of
Spider-Man. It doesn't start off like all of the other incarnations of
Spider-Man, starting off with Peter getting bitten by a radioactive
spider but with a twist. Peter just starts his junior yeah of high
school and gets pushed around by jocks. He made friends in Harry Osborn
and Gwen Stacy. Gwen Stacy is also Peters intellectual equal, getting a
job working for Doctor Connors. Gwen and Peter also see their old friend
Eddie Brock who Peters call bro because their parents were best
friends. Both Eddie's and Peter's parents died in a plane crash. Ever
since then, Eddie and Peter have had a close friendship. Peter betrays
Doctor Connors trust by taking pictures of Spider-Man and Doctor Connors
as the Lizard. This puts a strain on their friendship and their
"brotherhood". Eddie knows about Gwen liking him but after all the
things that he did wrong, it was the final straw when Peter goes to the
prom with Mary Jane. This series is full of twists and turns. It ends
its first season with Eddie being taken over by the symbiote and turning
into Venom. After almost being beaten by Venom, he saves Gwen and
continues to have a Thanksgiving dinner. Aunt May has come out of
hospital after recovering from a heart attack, Peter cooks the
thanksgiving dinner, Gwen brings over her family dinner and they all
enjoy a nice meal. Peter washes the dishes and goes outside thanking
Gwen for what she has done and for always being there. As Gwen is about
to leave, she runs back, taking the advice MJ gave her, and gives Peter a
kiss. Peter then realizes what Venom was talking about when he said
that he is going to take away the person who means the most to him.
Ultimate Spider-Man (2012)
this new series (written by Paul Dini), Spider-Man is voiced by Drake
Bell (who played a spoof of the character in the parody film "Superhero
Movie"). At the start of the show, Peter is recruited by Nick Fury to join the SHIELD
organization in order to learn how to become a better hero. The series
highlights the more technological side of the character, and showcases
various gadgets and vehicles such as the Iron Spider suit. In the
series, he teams up with several teenage heroes.
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes (2012)
Spider-Man first appears in the episode Along Came A spider where he helps Captain America fight the serpent society He next appears in New Avengers
where he leads the New lineup of Avengers against Kang...after the
victory and return of the Original Avengers he officially becomes a
member (although a reserve one). The last time he appeared was Avengers Assemble amongst the rest of Earth's heroes fighting The Heralds of Galactus.
(2002), Spider-Man 2 (2004) and Spider-Man 3 (2007) are a trilogy of
Spider-Man movies starring Toby McGuire as Spider-Man. All three films
were directed by Sam Raimi who was also scheduled to direct Spider-Man
4, with a release date of May 6, 2011. The ill-fated movie was intended
to continue with the same cast and crew with plot-lines established in
the first three films. Disagreement between Raimi and producers Laura
Ziskin and Avi Arad
over the script -- and over the choice of villains in particular -- as
well as concerns with the rising cost of production (Raimi and series
star Tobey Maguire would have claimed a large portion of any film
royalties) led to a cancellation of that film's production. Instead, the
Sony owned Columbia Pictures have decided on a reboot of the franchise.
2012, the 50th anniversary of Spider-Man and 10 years since the first
Spider-Man movie, a re-boot of the Spider-Man movie franchise was
launched. The first movie of the re-boot is called The Amazing
Spider-Man and stars relatively unknown British actor Andrew Garfield as
Spider-Man. The Amazing Spider-Man was directed by Mark Webb and saw a
slight re-imagining of Spider-Man's origin. This was also he first
Spider-Man movie to be shot in 3D.
- Spider-Man
- Spider-Man 2
- Spider-Man 3
Spider-Man: Carnage in New York
- Spider-Man: Doom's Day Book One - Rampage (The Incredible Hulk)
- Spider-Man: Doom's Day Book Two - Sabotage (Iron Man)
- Spider-Man: Doom's Day Book Three - Wreckage (The Fantastic Four)
Spider-Man: Down These Mean Streets
- Spider-Man: Drowned in Thunder
- Spider-Man: Emerald Mystery
- Spider-Man: Goblin Moon
- Spider-Man: Goblin's Revenge
- Spider-Man: Requiem
- Spider-Man: Revenge of the Sinister Six
- Spider-Man Super Thriller (1): Midnight Justice
Spider-Man Super Thriller (2): Deadly Cure
- Spider-Man Super Thriller (3): Global War
Spider-Man Super Thriller (4): Lizard's Rage
Spider-Man Super Thriller (8): Warrior's Revenge
- Spider-Man: The Darkest Hours
- Spider-Man: The Gathering of the Sinister Six
- Spider-Man: The Lizard Sanction
- Spider-Man: The Octopus Agenda
- Spider-Man: The Secret of the Sinister Six (a.k.a. Spider-Man: The Sinister Six Combo)
- Spider-Man: The Venom Factor
- Spider-Man: Valley of the Lizard
- Spider-Man: Venom's Wrath
- Spider-Man: Wanted: Dead or Alive
The Ultimate Spider-Man
- Untold Tales of Spider-Man
![]() | Anthology
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 1 - The Past
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 2 - The Present
X-Men & Spider-Man: Time's Arrow Book 3 - The Future
Video Games
In 1982, Parker Brothers published the first Spider-Man game for the Atari 2600 titled Spider-Man.
The game involves climbing a sky scraper, rescuing hostages and
defusing bombs set by the Green Goblin. The 1990's saw a flood of
Spider-Man Video Games. The first game of the decade released was The Amazing Spider-Man, a puzzle action game released for Amiga, PC:DOS, Commodore 64, and Atari ST. Another game, also titled The Amazing Spider-Man was released in 1990 for the Game Boy. The Game Boy titles spawned two sequels: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and The Amazing Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers.
In 1991, Sega released the first Spider-Man arcade game titled Spider-Man: The Video Game.
Sega also released The Amazing Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin the same
year. The Nintendo home consoles were late to the Spider-Man party, but
they saw many Spider-Man titles themselves. The first was Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six,
released in 1992 and considered by some to be one of the worst
Spider-Man games of all time. Not all Spider-Man titles followed
original story lines. In 1994, Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage was
released for the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. The game closely
followed the Maximum Carnage Story Arc. 1995 gave us Spider-Man and Venom: Separation Anxiety, which was released on the Sega Genesis, the Super Nintendo and the PC. That same year, Spider-Man: The Animated Series
was released for the Genesis and the Super Nintendo; it followed the
storyline of the series, with most of the characters being represented
the way they were in the cartoon. The next Spider-Man game, Spider-Man: Web of Fire,
was released for the Sega 32X. This game is one of rarest and most
valuable Spider-Man games to date. For the next couple of years, no game
completely dedicated to Spider-Man was released. He did however star in
Marvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems and the Marvel vs Capcom series.
until 2000 would Spider-Man return in his own game. Spider-Man made his
triumphant video game return in 2000, with not one, but two games, and a
special guest appearance that year. Spider-Man for the Game Boy Color was published by Activision and met with moderate success. Later that year "Spider-Man",
developed by NeverSoft, for the PlayStation was released. The game was
met with critical and commercial success. The game was ported over to
the Nintendo 64 the following year, but lacked the full motion cut
scenes due the systems hardware. In September of that year, Spider-Man
made a special appearance in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 as a hidden character. In 2001, sequels to the successful Activision titles were released. "Spider-Man 2: Enter Electro" for the PlayStation and "Spider-Man 2: Sinister Six" for the Gameboy Color. Spider-Man made an early appearance on Nintendo's new handheld system, The Gameboy Advance with Spider-Man: Mysterio's Menace. With the release of the Spider-Man films, the Spider-Man video games followed suit. Spider-Man: The Game
was released in unison with the film in 2002. It was released on the
PlayStation 2, the Nintendo GameCube, the Gameboy Advance, the Xbox and
the PC. The game broke many sales records at the time. When Spider-Man 2
was released in June 2004, Spider-Man 2: The Game was released the day
before. The game saw release on the same consoles as Spider-Man: The
Game did, in addition to the Nintendo DS and Sony PSP. 2005 saw a comic
related Spider-Man game hit the market; "Ultimate Spider-Man"
followed many of the comic story arcs, and allowed the player to switch
between Spider-Man and Venom. Spider-Man, voiced by Quinton Flynn,
appears as one of the main characters in Ultimate Alliance and he has
special conversations with Mysterio, Lizard and Scorpion, and Dark
Spider-Man. His simulator disk has him saving Dum Dum Dugan from the Scorpion and A.I.M in the Omega Base. His costumes are his classic, symbiote, Scarlet Spider and Stark Armor costumes. Spider-Man's latest film, Spider-Man 3 also saw the same video game treatment as its prequels. Spider-Man 3
was released on more consoles than any game before it. The game was
available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 and 3, Nintendo Wii , Gameboy
Advance, Nintendo DS, the Sony PSP and PC. Spider-Man: Friend or Foe was
released in October 2007 for Xbox 360, Wii, Playstation 2 , PC, PSP and
Nintendo DS. This Spider-Man game features the villains from the
Spider-Man films, but with a humorous twist.
In 2008, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
was released. It contained an original storyline not related to the
movies, in which players switch between Spidey's Black costume and his
classic Red & Blue attire. Player's can dictate Spider-Man's
actions, as he can be Heroic or Villainous, as related to his dependence
on the symbiote. Many characters appear including Venom, Kingpin,
Wolverine, Luke Cage,
Mary Jane and others. It also has 4 different endings based on the path
the player chooses. The consoles for this game are PS2, PS3, PC, Wii,
XBox, XBox 360, PSP. Note: The PSP & PS2 versions of the game are
very different from that of the PS3, Wii, Xbox 360 and PC versions.
Spider-Man, voiced by Benjamin Diskin appears in Ultimate Alliance 2 and
is also one of the main characters. In the Pro-Registration story, he
can wear his Iron Spider costume.
Spidey's next video game adventure was released on September 7th, 2010, in the form of Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions.
In this game, you can play as four distinct Spider-Men in four
different universes, in search of the shattered pieces of a legendary
tablet. The game sometimes features sequences where the player is in
first person and has to use the analog stick to win the fight, much like
in some boxing games. The first dimension is the Amazing Universe
(Earth 616), the world of regular comics Spider-Man that we know and
love, voiced by Neil Patrick Harris. He uses mainly far-range combat to
defeat his enemies, it is known he faces Sandman in this dimension. The
second is the Noir Universe, which takes place in the 1940s, in a
darker, stealthier, and grittier setting, where stealth and timing is
crucial. In this dimension, Spider-Man Faces Hammerhead, Green Goblin
and the Vulture. The third is 2099, taking place mostly in the skies,
with many free falling levels. In this dimension, Spider-Man faces the
Hobgoblin with a new, more advanced look. The final dimension is the
Ultimate Universe, where Spider-Man has somehow been reunited with the
Venom symbiote as his "gift" from Madame Webb. He battles Deadpool and
many other bosses with symbiote tendrils and many more attacks. Carnage
is the main boss of this dimension. In the end you battle a immensely
empowered god-level Mysterio.
Spider-Man's latest video game, entitled Spider-Man: Edge of Time,
developed by Activision and Beenox, the latter being given free reign
after the success of Shattered Dimensions, which bears a similar
gameplay concept. The game involves Peter Parker and his future
counterpart Miguel O'Hara. New villain created for the game, Walker
Sloan, has created a time machine in order to go back in time and start
Alchemex, the company which Miguel works for, now was established in his
own views in the seventies. Miguel proceeds to stop him but is caught
in the portal after Sloan has entered and somehow becomes a "viewer" in
the events. This gives him the ability to communicate with Peter Parker,
who now works for Alechemex in this time altered universe, and
everything he does directly affects the year 2099. Both briefly navigate
their own timelines until circumstances force them to switch, now
residing in timelines alien to them they traverse obstacles in order to
get home through the temporal portal and solve the dystopian effects of
the timeline corruption. The two work together to prevent Peter's death
at the hands of Anti-Venom, save Mary Jane from multiple danger, and
even take on the CEO of Alchemex. Currently Beenox has been given rights
to the creation of all future Spider-Man games.
Spider-Man is an unlockable character in the Facebook game Marvel: Avengers Alliance.
As an Infiltrator, he gains the Combat Awareness buff after attacking
Tacticians. He has tremendous agility and an appropriate repertoire of
powers, including: web-based attacks and his Spider Sense. He starts
with his traditional red & blue costume, but players can purchase
the black costume to fight as an ebony Infiltrator or a nefarious
Bruiser. By unlocking Spider-Man players also gain access to the bonus
missions in Chapter 3 of the single-player campaign.
In 2012 a tie in to The Amazing Spider-Man Movie was released on June 26.
Spider-Man is a playable character in Marvel Heroes as well as Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes.
2010, a stage musical entitled Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark opened on
Broadway, with music by Bono and the edge and writing by Julie Taymor.
The musical was wrought with problems from the very beginning, with
multiple injuries happening to actors on the set, and a total cost of 75
million dollars for the production. After opening for previews, the
show received many terrible reviews, and was temporarily shut down for
To help with the rewrites, the production brought in Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa,
a playwright as well as well as a comic writer, having had a short run
on Spectacular Spider-Man in 2006. After opening for a second time, the
show once again received poor reviews, being called one of the worst
Broadway shows of all time by New York Times critic Ben Brantley.
despite the bad publicity the musical has been rather successful on
Broadway, bringing in a gross of about $100,000 to $300,000 per week.
The producers are currently planning for productions of the show in
London, England as well as Hamburg, Germany.

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