Un infinito espacio para descubrir todos los personajes de los cómics conocidos en este planeta tierra.... y en el universo! Disfruta del blog de TIGRA PANTRO.
Adam Strange, a sci-fi character that started
during the 50s has held true to the traditions of the typical sci-fi
hero archetype with a love story. Adam Strange is also Life's thinker of
the Aberrant Six.
The character follows an established pattern of men from the planet Earth who are summoned to the cosmos. He is teleported from Earth to the planet Rann by the Zeta Beam
where he discovers the iconic helmet and red suit and which he uses to
pursue a superhero career on this planet. It is revealed that a Rannian
scientist by the name of Sardath
had created the Zeta Beam as a means of communicating with Earth but
had accidentally created a teleportation machine instead. It was also
revealed that the effects of the beam were temporary and that Adam would
eventually be sent back. It was also through Sardath that Adam would
meet his future romantic interest, Alanna.
Adam Strange was introduced in Showcase,
a comic book series from the 1950s and 1960s which served the purpose
of introducing a character to see if they might be a popular addition to
the DC lineup. This featured such additions as the creation of the silver age Flash ( Barry Allen).
Adam Strange was introduced in issue 17 and featured in a story that
ran through until issue 19. After his introduction he was mostly ignored
until later in the 1960s when DC decided to launch on a new direction
in its titles focusing more on science fiction than on fantasy or
mystical elements. Adam Strange came to be featured in the series Mystery in Space, where he gained the greatest deal of his popularity.
Character Evolution
occasionally headlining his own series, Adam Strange has more often
been reduced to that of a secondary or supporting character in the
history of the DC universe. The majority of the time which he spent
headlining his own series was in the 1960s where continuity in character
development was not a staple of writing form. Even so he did experience
some development in that he came to be more attracted to Alanna and the
two eventually married. In addition although his character development
was mostly ignored afterwards as he was mostly assigned a guest role in
comic book titles, he became to be regarded as an experienced and
trustworthy hero. As a guest character he is most commonly seen with
either Hawkman, Swamp Thing or the Justice League of America. Some time later in an attempt to make him appear more mature, his daughter Aleea was introduced to continuity.
Major Story Arcs
Strange’s early stories were mostly one shots, in that there was little
continuity from one story to the next as each story was self contained
in an issue. These stories typically started with Adam Strange on Earth
from where he would be transported to Rann by the Zeta Beam and where he
would usually be met by Alanna who informed him of some planetary
threat. At the end of such an issue he would routinely be returned to
Earth (although the Zeta beam would later be modified so that Adam could
stay on Rann.)
Following the cancellation of Mystery in
Space, Adam began to show up periodically in various publications, most
notably Hawkman and the Justice League of America, with whom he was made
an honorary member.
The next major appearances of Adam Strange were in the pages of the Swamp Thing after the writer ( Alan Moore)
decided to set the title character’s stories in space. The character in
this case was given some more depth as questions pertaining to him were
answered (involving such topics as his relationship with Alanna,
Rannian technology, and Rannian society.) After a nuclear war Swamp
Thing helped the planet to be remade (by terraforming it) but the
inhabitants, including Adam Strange were left to decide how to proceed
with their future. Building on this appearance Adam Strange would soon
after appear in his own miniseries.
His next appearance was in the pages of Mark Waid’s
JLA though this is generally regarded as not a part of continuity, as
the depiction here ignored some vital parts of the character’s history.
Another short lived series appeared in 2004.
In terms of his relevance to modern DC continuity his most important contributions were to the Rann-Thanagarian War. Adam Strange is one the planet’s leaders against the Thanagarians although it is later revealed that both planets have been set up to battle another. Adam would later join R.E.B.E.L.S. a loose group of freedom fighters led by Vril Dox.
DC New 52
the DC Relaunch of most of DC Comics' stories happened in September of
2011, Adam Strange is yet to re-appear. Adam Strange was mentioned that
he will be a Canadian superhero with other superhero's such as Booster
Gold. In 2013 some of the members will be from Canada in the New Justice
League of America series as part of the DC New 52 Series.
Powers and Abilities
Wears a suit with built in jet pack
and protected for survival in space. Carries an energy gun in a
holster. Also a skilled hand-to-hand combatant, a skilled scientist and a
battle tested leader. After being blinded during the events of Infinite
Crisis and during most of 52 he has his eyesight returned to him after
Sardath cloned eyes from his daughter. These new eyes were enhanced to
see across the electromagnetic spectrum.
Height: 6' 0"
Weight: 175 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Other Media
Young Justice
Strange makes his first appearance in the season premier of Young
Justice: Invasion, titled "Happy New Years." Adam is a scientist that
works for S.T.A.R. Labs,
and is responsible for the maintaining of the Justice League and Young
Justice's zeta beam teleportation technology. Through Martian
Manhunter's mind linking ability, he told the team the story of how he
went to the planet Rann.
While he was working on a zeta tube, he found himself halfway across
the galaxy on the planet Rann, where he met the alien scientist Sardath.While
there for weeks, he learned of Sardath's enhanced zeta beam technology,
and figured out that some of the tech was stolen. It was revealed that
when Sardath was attempting to trace where his tech went, he
accidentally teleported Adam to his world. Before leaving Rann, Adam was given a piece of technology capable of showing the locations of where the Kroloteans teleported themselves to earth. Strange also revealed that the unaccounted members from five years ago ( Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Martian Manhunter, John Stewart, and Hawkwoman)
are wanted criminals in Rann's area of the galaxy, also that humans
aren't welcome. So as not to cause trouble, a team consisting of
Strange, Miss Martian, Superboy, and Beast Boy are sent to investigate Rann to figure out what happened during the unaccounted sixteen hours.
2006 a pcak in Heroclixs called. Collader Damage had Adam Strange in
the series. He has no card in the series pack because the cards in the
new pack started in 2007 in October set called Justice League.
Cloak is the Yin to his partner Dagger's Yang. A superhero of the streets, he wages a war against drugs and drug related crimes.
Johnson grew up poor in the slums of South Boston. He was a stutterer,
and at age 17 this affliction became more than an embarrassment when he
couldn't speak up to save his best friend's life from a policeman's
Cloak & Dagger
Overwhelmed with grief and guilt, Tyrone ran away from home. He ended up in New York City, haunting the Manhattan Port Authority Bus Terminal, desperate for food and searching for someone to rob. Instead, he found Tandy Bowen,
another runaway, and ironically, prevented her from being robbed. Their
strong friendship started here, with each trying to help the other.
The pair were homeless, and despite Tyrone's reservations, they were lured to the laboratory of Simon Marshall. He was a chemist working for the Maggia,
attempting to develop an addictive drug the crime family could sell.
Marshall used teenage runaways to test his new drug – with lethal
consequences. There were no survivors of his experiments until Tyrone
and Tandy. They were transformed into super-powered beings and escaped.
Tyrone had become a being of darkness and shadow, with a hunger for the
light of life forces that Tandy's glowing powers could ease. He hid his
strange appearance with a cloak, and adopted the name of the garment.
Eventually, the pair would use their new abilities to destroy their
captors and save other children from crime, drugs, and abuse.
At one time, it was believed the designer drug had made their latent mutant genes manifest. Later it was revealed that D'Spayre's machinations were responsible for Tyrone and Tandy gaining their powers.
Cloak and Dagger, after another drug-elimination sortie, were approached by Norman Osborn, who offered them a deal to have their criminal record cleared if they would join his special mutant peacekeeping force.
two accepted, and became part of Osborn's personal team of X-Men. The
normally reclusive Cloak thus became part of a greater team assigned to
keep the peace in San Francisco
after a series of pro and anti-mutant riots. Donning a new costume, and
now keeping his face un-hooded, Cloak realized that he and Dagger could
no longer hold themselves apart from the world at large. When Dagger
expressed the idea of running again, Cloak stopped her, saying that if
they ran away again they would be on the run forever.
They kept true to their heroic ideals even when mixed with the more distasteful members of their team. Thus, when Emma and Namor
betrayed Osborn as part of Scott Summers' ploy, both Cloak and Dagger
were invited to join the true X-Men in their exodus from San Francisco.
Tandy and Ty accepted, and the two runaways became part of a different team, and among their own kind.
tests were taken, it was relieved that neither Tandy nor Ty were
mutants, and that the drug gave both superheros their powers.
Fear Itself: The Deep
Attuma has become one of the Worthy
and is transformed into Nerkkod, Breaker of Oceans after he comes into
possession of one of the mystic hammers. Nerkkod would bolster his army
and prepare to conquer the oceans but is confronted by Namor and
company. Dr. Strange would conjure up a spell and call upon the
Defenders from the past and present including Cloak for reinforcements.
Nerkkod is forced to retreat and his army is defeated.
Sabertooth Reborn
Sometime ago, Wolverine had Cloak trap Romulus
in Cloak's dark dimension. Now, a recently resurrected Sabertooth has
kidnapped Dagger and forced Cloak to release Romulus. Cloak complied but
instead of freeing Dagger, Sabertooth tied him to the top of the Empire State Building.
This is where Wolverine finds him, but when he unties the weakened
Cloak the pair fall to earth. Cloak is able to port them to safety
Cloak goes with Wolverine to the place he hid Sabertooth's corpse, and
although Cloak claimed it was Sabertooth that had attacked him,
Sabertooth's dead body is right where Wolverine had left it. The pair
are standing there looking into the grave when Cloak hears Dagger's
Wolverine and Cloak track the scream to a cabin
and find Romulus holding a weakened Dagger. Wolverine attacks Romulus
and Cloak grabs Dagger. Against her wishes he teleports the pair to
safety leaving Wolverine behind.
Sometime later, Wolverine needs Cloak's teleporting powers to sneak himself and Remus
into Romulus's Italian stronghold. Cloak will not leave Dagger's side
so he brings her along too. Once inside Wolverine breaks from the group,
but when he is overpowered by a stronger fiercer Romulus and a smarter
Sabertooth, Cloak, Dagger and Remus, come to his aid.
is able to fight Sabertooth to a stand still but when Sabertooth pulls
out "Plan B', a large bomb, Cloak teleports Dagger, and Remus to safety.
is later seen with Wolverine, Remus, and Dagger on a beach somewhere in
the South Pacific. Wolverine comments on how Cloak is dealing with a
SPF 45 world and Ty comments on how him and Tandy are going to head to
New York City.
Cloak's powers derive from his ability to manipulate Darkforce
energy and access the dimension from which it originates. He might
actually be made of this negative energy. Darkforce energy is perceived
by humans as dark matter, either in gas, liquid, or solid form. It is
cold, draining, and prolonged exposure can cause insanity, turn one
evil, and even kill. Cloak can do the following:
Create a localized field of impenetrable darkness.
Create mobile, solid tendrils of darkness.
Hide in shadows.
intangible, perhaps by changing the solid state of his body into a gas
state, perhaps by only partially moving into the Darkforce dimension.
Pull people into the Darkforce dimension by opening a portal within his 'cloak.'
himself and others by opening a portal into, then out of, the Darkforce
dimension, i.e. taking an inter-dimensional shortcut.
Cloak's powers can be fairly extensive. He managed to temporarily trap Thanos in his cloak. Once, when Mr. Jip magically increased his hunger, Cloak's darkness spilled out of him to cover several square blocks of Manhattan.
feels a constant hunger which must be fed by a semi-mystical light
energy, which is akin to the light of a soul. Dagger is one of the only
possible sources of this energy and she regularly "feeds" him with her
light bolts. Other sources of light don't work; for instance Dazzler tried to feed him once, using many kinds of light, but it didn't help him.
Cloak is exposed to too much pure light energy, he will revert back
into his human form. While in human form he has no access to his powers.
Known Relatives: Mr & Mrs Johnson (parents), Anna Johnson (twin sister), Otis Johnson (brother) & Smokin' Joe (uncle)
Citizenship: Citizen of the United States; with a criminal record.
Unique Characteristic: While in Cloak persona, all that is seen is his face.
Alternate Realities
Age of Apocalypse
The Age of Apocalypse versions of Cloak and Dagger were members of Sinister's Six. They were mentally manipulated into working with Sinister
on his team. Once under his control he would use them to attack the
X-Men. Cloak would be one of the few survivors of the battle. His mental
control would be psionically broken by the telepathic ninja, Psylocke.
House of M
In the House of M reality, Cloak is a member of Luke Cage's Underground resistance.
this reality, Cloak was quickly killed during Maestro's initial attack.
His cloak is saved as a remembrance by his one time partner, Dagger.
Ultimate Universe
In the Ultimate Universe; Cloak has only made one, very brief, appearance. He is clearly a female in this universe.
Spider-Ham Universe
In this reality, Cloak is called Croak and has the appearance of a frog.
The second son of Darkseid and scion of
Highfather, Orion is New Genesis' greatest defender and the fiercest
warrior of the Fourth World. Known as 'The Dog of War', Orion constantly
struggles to maintain the balance between his peaceful upbringing and
brutal nature.
Current Events
Orion appears at the end of Wonder Woman #12 in the ongoing New 52
event. Orion and the New Gods of New Genesis have not yet appeared in
this reinvented universe, although Darkseid and his fellow residents of Apokolips already have.
Orion has been dispatched by Highfather
to Earth to find a neutralize the threat that would erase all of
existence if let be.
Highfather notes that Orion has a certain
preference for Earth, indicating he spends time there.
A remark that's
confirmed later when Orion meets up with one of Zeus' offspring; Milan, who greets him like a friend.
Orion's short temper is quickly put on display when Lennox and Wonder Woman seek out Milan for the same reason Orion did and a fight nearly erupts before Milan intervenes.
Astro-Harness is later shown to be able to open boomtubes into the
vicinity of anyone if it has something to follow, in this case a hair
from Hera's head.
Orion however also displays a more unappealing
personality feature when he encourages Diana to go with War by slapping
her rear and apparently caring nothing for Diana's reaction.
He has also appeared in conflict with Superman, the Man of Steel for similar reasons.
Orion on his Astro Harness
By the late 60's Jack Kirby, long-time top artist for Marvel Comics, grew dissatisfied with his treatment at Marvel so he left to work for rival publisher DC Comics. Immediately upon arriving at DC, he began creating a slew of titles under the editing skills of Carmine Infantino.
This became know as Kirby's Fourth World saga, running through the pages of Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen, New Gods, Mister Miracle and The Forever People.
Each of these titles was based in the Fourth World and featured the
adventures of a race of super powered Gods. Orion, the second son of
Apokolips' ruler and darkest god of all, Darkseid, was featured in the first issue of New Gods and was the series main protagonist.
the far side of known existence there is a place known as the "Fourth
World." It is there that two opposing planets exist; New Genesis, a
place of beauty, splendor, light and happiness, and Apokolips, a place of hardship, squalor, filth and disease. It was in the dreary darkness of Apokolips that Orion was born the son of Tigra and Darkseid.
After warring for countless ages the leaders of Apokolips and New Genesis
finally managed to find a way broker peace, or at least delay the
inevitable, when each side agreed to have the rulers of both planets
give the other his son to raise, thus forming a peace treaty known as
'The Pact'.
To this end, Darkseid received Highfather Izaya's son, Scott Free (aka Mr. Miracle),
while Highfather accepted and raised Orion.
This was a questionable
choice for Darkseid because of a prophecy regarding Orion's future.
was foretold that Father and Son would meet for a final battle to decide
the fate of Apokolips, and that Orion would defeat his father amid the
fire-pits of Apokolips deciding the fate of the War between the twin
An event Darkseid was sure would never pass, yet that he
unwittingly set into motion.
Orion -Son of Darkseid
New Genesis, Orion's savage nature quickly made him stand out amidst
the peaceful natives.
The dark fury that boiled within him could barely
be contained, and so Orion was given a Mother Box,
a sentient computer, to calm his temper. Orion's Mother Box spends much
of her time trying to calm the raging soul within Orion.
Orion was also
taught by the Highfather to respect the Source, a training that has
given Orion something to meditate on to placate his anger.
He has also
made many friends on New Genesis, including Scott Free and Big Barda (both of whom have escaped from a life of cruelty on Apokolips).
Most importantly, Orion was befriended by Lightray,
the cheery, friendly "beam of light" of New Genesis. Despite the
superficial and even temperamental differences, the two are best of
friends. It is the teachings and friendships that has steeled Orion's
conviction when he goes to defend New Genesis.
Character Evolution
Orion possesses strength, stamina and durability on the same level as Superman or Wonder Woman.
Unfortunately, due to the evil of his father, Darkseid, Orion has an
insatiable inner demon that fills Orion and enormous inborn fury which
he constantly wrestles with. His physical power combined with this
relentless fury has made him the fiercest warrior among all the New
Gods. His ferocity in combat, which is legendary, is what has earned him
the title "Dog of War".
Though always portrayed as a
warrior, Orion has been softened by writers since his debut under the
sometimes sledgehammer pen of Kirby. In the original New Gods series,
Orion was portrayed in a way that was hard to like. His manner sat
somewhere between arrogance and pretentious and it was down to support
characters like Orions' long term best friend, Lightray
to lighten proceedings somewhat. It was, perhaps this heavy handedness
that lead to the original series cancellation, with DC not utilizing the
characters again for another five years.
Orion's late 70's look
When Orion and the New Gods did reappear in Return Of The New Gods,
Orion was changed considerably to fit more easily into the superhero
mold. Gone were the helmet and the Astro-Harness and brought in were the
spandex and the obligatory face mask.
Although it featured the talents
of creators like Denny O'Neil, Gerry Conway, Bob Mcleod and Don Newton,
this new take on a classic idea did not take with the public's
imagination and the series was cancelled the following year.
appearing in a few issues of Justice League, this version of Orion was
never seen again and the character himself would not again appear until
Jack Kirby was given the chance to return to the characters he had
In 1984, Kirby was given the chance to finish
the story he had begun 12 years previous when DC reprinted his New Gods
series and allowed him to add an extra chapter on the end, which
concluded with the apparent death of Orion himself.
This lead to the
Hunger Dogs graphic novel, one of the first of its kind and an epic and
conclusive finish to Kirbys' epic story.
came a time when the old gods died! The brave died with the cunning!
The noble perished, locked in battle with unleashed evil! It was the
last day for them! An ancient era was passing in fiery holocaust!"
And so began the epic tale of The New Gods. When Izaya, The Inheritors wife, Avia was murdered by the unruly henchmen of Darkseid, war erupted between the pure and good planet of New Genesis and its dark sibling, Apokolips.
Consumed with revenge, Izaya pursued his war against Apokolips with the
fervour of a madman, before realizing that the cost of war is too high.
Horrified at what he has done, Izaya exiles himself and whilst in
exile, forgoes the ways of war and discovers the omnipotent and
mysterious power known only as, The Source.
When he returns to his people, Izaya wears the clothes of peace and,
befitting his new awareness, assumes the name of Highfather.
order to broker peace, or at least delay the inevitable, each planet's
ruler gave the other his son to raise forming a peace treaty known as
'The Pact'. So, Darkseid received Highfather Izaya's son, Scott Free (aka Mr. Miracle),
while Highfather raised Orion.This was a questionable choice for
Darkseid because of a prophecy regarding Orion's future.
It was foretold
that Father and Son would meet for a final battle to decide the fate of
Apokolips, and that Orion would defeat his father amid the fire-pits of
Apokolips deciding the fate of the War between the twin worlds.
event Darkseid was sure would never pass, yet that he unwittingly set
into motion.
On New Genesis, Orion's savage nature
quickly made him stand out amidst the peaceful natives.
The dark fury
that boiled within him could barely be contained, and so Orion was given
a Mother Box,
a sentient computer, to calm his temper. Orion's Mother Box spends much
of her time trying to calm the raging soul within Orion. Orion was also
taught by the Highfather to respect the Source, a training that has
given Orion something to meditate on to placate his anger. He has also
made many friends on New Genesis, including Scott Free and Big Barda (both of whom have escaped from a life of cruelty on Apokolips).
Most importantly, Orion was befriended by Lightray,
the cheery, friendly "beam of light" of New Genesis. Despite the
superficial and even temperamental differences, the two are best of
friends. It is the teachings and friendships that has steeled Orion's
conviction when he goes to defend New Genesis.
Orion vs Superman
his travels Orion has proven himself a hero many times. His first
encounter with Earth's heroes was through Superman. He was sent by
Highfather to retrieve him for an audience. Having limited knowledge of
the New Gods, Superman mistook him for a servant of Darkseid, and in
typical fashion Orion attacked him. After a short battle he was able to
subdue the young Kryptonian easily using his physical prowess and the
Upon their arrival on New Genesis Orion awakened
Superman, who was able to surprise him and overcome him.
Orion then
spent the rest of the day chasing him.
He pursued Kal into the
stratosphere where he used a burst of Heat Vision to blast him into the
floating defenses of Supertown.
Eventually with the help of Metron
they were able to subdue him, and Orion brought him in chains to
Highfather, who then admonished him reminding him that they were seeking
the Kryptonian's assistance.
The majority of their encounters would go
this route. Orion and Ligthray later came to Earth to help in the battle
against Darkseid, who was searching for the Anti-Life Equation. Both Orion and Lightray served with the Justice League Of America for a time. Orion frequently battles against his father, using his rage to defend the universe from Darkseid's tyranny.
Gates of Apokolips
Tigra's Revelation to Orion
The story begins with Orion on his way to the Source Wall to seek the guidance of Highfather. Orion was told by his mother, Tigra,
that he was not in fact that son of Darkseid, but one of his captains.
Tigra also tells Orion that had she not told Darkseid that she was
carrying his son, then Darkseid would have undoubtedly killed Tigra for
committing adultery. She then instructs her son to seek Darkseid and
kill him for the torment she suffered at his hands. This causes Orion to
doubt himself. It was prophecised that he was the son of Darkseid and
was the one to best him in battle to the death, but if what Tigra said
was true, was Orion really the God he thought he was supposed to be all
this time? Was he truly New Genesis' greatest defender against the
person he considered his physical equal?
Orion and Kalibak
answers, Orion then leaves for Apokolips in the hope of finding
Darkseid, or at least someone that knew where he was, in order to
confront him about his parentage. After battling past the forces of Justeen, and later Kalibak, Orion's Mother Box locates Orion back on Earth continuing his search for the Anti-Life Equation.
returning to Earth, Orion learns that the town of Maine Line, Nebraska,
currently involved in a standoff between insurgents and police forces,
is shielding Orion's Mother Box via an Apokoliptan jammer - meaning that
Darkseid is there. Upon his arrival in Maine Line, Orion is attacked by
the insurgent group, whom are quickly subdued by the Dog of War. A
quick scan of the bodies by the Mother Box showed no signs of a
subconscious, meaning only one thing. Darkseid was able to get his hands
on the anti-life equation.
As Orion began closing in on
Darkseid's location, the collection of people, possessed by the
Darkseid-wielding-anti-life equation, was able to incapacitate Orion by
paralyzing him as a collective entity of the anti-life equation.
Tigra's Death
fallen Orion is then met by his mother, Tigra, who has escaped to Earth
via Boom tube to flee from the suicide jockeys sent after her by
Justeen. Tigra collapses in front of the paralyzed Orion, and looks set
to be kiled by a suicide jockey until Orion is able to break free from
the paralysis after the collective concentration of the villagers was
disturbed by the commotion surrounding the Boom Tube. Tigra later dies
in the arms of Orion, who then swears vengeance on Darkseid. Orion then
battles past the infected insurgents and goes looking for the
Apokoliptan overlord.
Deep in Darkseid's Nebraskan lair,
Orion uncovers horrific Darkseid's anti-life machine (resembling a clone
of Billion Dollar Bates, a tycoon that unknowingly had possessed the
anti-life equation in his mind) and destroys it. Here, Darkseid calls
out to Orion that he will face his son in battle on Apokolips, "without
weapons. Without allies. Just you and I...warrior against warrior."
Orion is later met by Lightray who informs Orion of a message from the source: "In Peace to Bear Witness, All to Apokolips in the Firepits a Great Warrior Will Fall."
Lightray then gives Orion an invention of his, a special armor to aid
him in his battle against Darkseid. Swiftly, Orion then travels to
Apokolips to face his alleged father in a battle to the death, as told
by the Source.
Father and Son battling it out
Orion and Darkseid fought, Orion, as part of the agreement, cast aside
his Mother Box - signifying the events that were to befall onto him. In
the ensuing battle of warriors, with mighty blows, heavy kicks, and
disregard for life, the two titans battle in an explosive encounter,
with victory going in the way of the Dog of War. Before the final blow
was struck, Darkseid intended to break his promise and use his Omega
beams on Orion. However, knowing that he could never trust his 'father'
to keep his word, Orion activated a shield of the Astro Force which
deflected the Omega beams back onto Darkseid and (seemingly) kill him.
Orion then takes Darkseid's place as ruler of Apokolips, vowing to bring
light to the devastated planet.
Ruler of Apokolips
takes on the role of ruler of Apokolips without the guidance of his
Mother Box (previously cast aside by Orion, and now seemingly damaged by
Orion tossing it aside). During Orion's quest to enlighten Apokolips,
he meets one of Darkseid's personal servants, Mortalla, who, amongst other things, aids Orion in his encounter with against a strength-enhanced Kalibak
not too long after his ordeal against Darkseid (which Orion is able to
later neutralize by outsmarting both Kalibak and Desaad).
Orion continues on his path of freeing Apokolips he stumbles upon one
of Desaad's most heinous creations, hundreds of clones of Bates kept
captive in an attempt to decipher the anti-life equation. Not willing to
see his hard work undone, Desaad puts a plan into action to use the
clones to kill Orion. It is during this time that Orion begins to notice
the power of the Astro Force slipping away from him, but still manages
to destroy the clones in order to set them free.
Further tensions arise when it is found out that Desaad had supplied Mantis'
assault on New Genesis resulting in him releasing hellbores onto the
planet which later defaced the surface of New Genesis with an
Apokoliptan fire pit. Orion thus makes a vow to bring peace to Apokolips
even if that means killing Desaad (it is also this time that Orion had
replaced his Mother Box with a Father Box, sending his Mother Box back to New Genesis).
Orion in the Dreggs with Sirius
down Desaad, Orion learns from one of Desaad's loyal servants that
Desaad is hiding out in 'The Caverns of the Dreggs'. This had in fact
been a trap by Desaad as the Dreggs was a shape-shifting labyrinth
guarded by Sirius,
a demon dog. This labyrinth contained only one Boom Tube as a means of
escape, but those seeking to escape would be hunted down by Sirius. As
Orion defeats the dog, Sirius reveals that he has been kept captive in
the Dreggs for centuries, yearning for death to liberate him.
Anticipating that Orion would emerge victorious against the beast,
Desaad unleashes an effluvia called Sinergy to kill Orion. Thankful for
Orion's intention to liberate him, Sirius rescues Orion by leading him
to the Boom Tube before Sinergy is able to apprehend Orion, however,
Sirius is later killed by the effluvia as Orion escapes - further
enraging Orion.
Orion is granted the Anti-Life Equation
escapes to Earth with the intent of luring Orion there to unleash the
full power of the anti-life equation on the Dog of War from Darkseid's
Nebraskan lair, using the many clones of Bates. However, Orion was able
to overcome Desaad's treachery and promptly kills him by snapping his
neck. However, Orion is later granted the full power of the Anti-Life Equation
from the clones of Bates which had been severely tampered with by
Desaad's machinery - a token of gratitude for Orion liberating their
Orion Wields the Anti-Life Equation
the Equation he went on to attempt to create Inter-Galactic peace. He
began his efforts on Apokolips by liberating the orphanage of Granny Goodness
and making the aggressors yield to his command (going so far as to
order them to jump to their deaths). Realizing the power of the
anti-life equation, Orion returns to Earth, a planet he had grown fond
of, and the planet where fragments of the equation were present. Orion
thus deduces that in the wrong hands, the anti-life equation could prove
to be the undoing of mankind. Orion thus uses the anti-life equation
onto Earth in order to turn it into a Utopian paradise without conflict
or struggle.
It is also revealed at this time that
Darkseid is still alive. hiding out in the gardens located at the core
of Apokolips. Anticipating that Orion would use the Astro force against
him in their battle, Orion sent out a teleportation beam instead of the
Omega beam to seek refuge. It was his plan to have Orion become ruler of
Apokolips, and slip into the role of a tyrant much like Darkseid, in
the hopes of ruling the universe as father and son - thus making the
capture of the anti-life equation redundant. However, Orion later
gaining the control of the anti-life equation was unanticipated, and so
summons Metron
to aid him dispose of Orion. The reason being that with all beings
acting in unity, there would be no pursuit of knowledge for Metron.
Metron agrees and they begin work on a non-living replica of the Black Racer (one that would not be subjected to the power of the equation).
Attacked by New Genesis
back on Earth, the forces of New Genesis arrive in order to battle
Orion. Justeen, under the identity Meteora, had taken advantage of the
commotion on New Genesis caused by Mantis' planting of a fire pit.
Several inhabitants had feared that Orion was responsible for the
attack. Justeen thus attaches a neurolyzer onto Lightray (effectively
making him her puppet) in order to rally troops against Orion. At the
same time however, Mortalla, who was left in charge of Apokolips by
Orion during his absence, also rallies troops to Earth in order to aid
Orion from the attack of New Genesis. Mortalla's plan, however, fails as
the power of the anti-life equation overcame the neurolyzer and
compelled Lightray to tell him what was really going on.
At this moment however, a giant of the Promethen Galaxy, Gedirath,
summoned by Darkseid, arrives to destroy the Earth. Orion then uses the
anti-life equation to the forces of Apokolips and New Genesis to go
back home, whilst also compelling Lightray, Mortalla and Justeen to aid
him in his battle against the giant. It is also during this time that
Orion begins to realize the limitations of the equation, as those under
his command, with no free will, are not able to act unless Orion willed
it. Orion later compels the giant to leave - giving him a growing
appreciation of the magnitude of these new powers he has. This leads to
the realization that Darkseid is alive, and Orion vows to destroy him
using the anti-life equation.
Death Sentence
then travels back to Apokolips and later compels Lightray to locate
Darkseid. Darkseid and Metron are later discovered by Lightray and are
seen repairing their simulacrum of the Black Racer. However, before they
are able to complete their job, they are summoned by Orion using the
anti-life equation. Orion then sentences his father to death by suicide
for all the crimes he has committed. But before Darkseid is able to
carry out Orion's will, the Black Racer (seemingly) appears (it is not
actually the Black Racer, but merely an individual disguised as the
bringer of the death). The Black Racer then tells Orion that he is
disrupting the cosmic balance between life and death and accuses him of
acting like a tyrant on Apokolips via his used of the equation to bend
everyone to his will. Further taunting Orion, he leads Orion through a
Doom Tube (which is like a Boom Tube, except once you enter it, there is
no way out). It is later revealed that this was Darkseid's plan, to
lure Orion through a Doom Tube using the Black Racer, however, both
Darkseid and Metron believed that the simulacrum had been damaged beyond
The Abysmal Plane
On the
Abysmal Plane (a land where all is deserted, but a single giant, but
dying tree), Orion regains consciousness and then comes to terms with
what he did. The fact that he allowed himself to use the anti-life
equation to bend people to his will, even if for the noblest of causes,
was wrong – a sin that Orion would never be able to forgive himself for,
and would continue to haunt him.
Orion meets Clockwerx
answers as to his whereabouts, Orion heads for the trees before he is
briefly attacked by revenants of the dead of unknown source or
motivation, including one taking the form of his mother, Tigra. When
arriving at the tree, Orion notices not only a large throne carved into
the trunk, but an entrance leading into the tree where he encounters Clockwerx, “overseer of the dreamtime, lamp-lighter of the stars, and guardian of the cosmic axis” and had been tied up within the tree by an evil entity known as the Ecruos.
it turns out, Clockwerx had been exiled to the Abysmal Plane as
punishment for murdering his brother. Whilst there, he began nurturing
the tree that was central to all reality, and overseeing the rising of
the Sun across the universe. The Ecruos had then taken Clockwerx
captive, and bonded themselves to the roots of the great tree, eating it
away slowly with the hope of destroying all worlds in the hope of
gaining all the knowledge from the tree.
Orion then takes
it upon himself to destroy the Ecruos and save reality. It is during
this time that Orion faces the irony of his predicament: having been
responsible for using the anti-life equation to bend people to his will,
he is now facing an enemy seeking the destruction of all worlds. In the
ensuing battle with the revenants, in the face of certain defeat, Orion
accepts his fate of eternal damnation in the Abysmal Plane, before he
comes to the realization that the anti-life equation is the weapon he
must use to defeat the Ecruos. Orion calls out the evil entity
threatening to use the equation on the universe and submit it to a
universe of unbreakable singularity.
Orion Surrenders the A.L.E.
Ecruos then pulls back their avatars, and faces Orion – who urges to
tree to engulf him. Within the entity, Orion then surrenders the
anti-life equation to the Ecruos – whose power of absolute order
destroys the chaotic nature that the evil entity was due to the sheer
contrasting power of the equation. The Ecruos is destroyed, the tree
grows strong and Clockwerx is released from his bounds. As gratitude for
not only saving him, but reality as well, Clockwerx heals Orion (who is
in a coma) of his physical wounds and teleports Orion to Apokolips, as
the passing of a great warrior such as Orion deserves to be mourned,
which would not be possible on the Abysmal Plane.
On Apokolips, Orion is teleported to Armagetto in the slums of Apokolips, guarded by the imprisoned member of the Green Lantern Corps,
known only as the Green Flame. Finding Orion in his comatose state, the
Green Flame is able to learn what has become of Orion since his
disappearance into the Doom Tube by using a portion of what little
energy he had left in his ring on Orion’s Father Box. After learning
this, the Green Flame discards the Father Box (which was originally a
tool by Darkseid and Mortalla to subtly influence Orion into becoming
more like his biological father). Using the last blast of his power
ring, the Green Flame is able to transport Orion back to Earth in order
to save him from the wrath of Darkseid if he was to discover that his
Son had survived and escaped the fate of the Doom Tube (a piece of
information that eventually and quickly deduced by Darkseid himself).
Orion vs. Slig (Last Laugh Tie-In)
Earth, Orion is still comatose, but finds himself later in the care of
homeless ex-G.I, known as Swifty in Metropolis, that recognized Orion
from his time on the Justice League. Orion awakes from his coma two days
later when Swifty is assaulted by gangsters extorting rent money from
Swifty, and quickly beats off the assailants and thanks Swift for his
kindness. During his time in Swifty’s care, Orion hears of the commotion
as a result of Slig’s assault on the Pacific Ocean (who has taken on the appearance of the Joker).
with the force of the Ocean and the sea monsters that he created, Slig
is no match for Orion’s brutality, and yields to the Dog of War and his
demands to reverse the havoc he created in the Panama Canal as well as
with the sea creatures, before throwing him through a Boom Tube back to
the battle, Orion once again finds himself tortured over his actions
when in possession of the anti-life equation, still thinking of the
punishment best suited for his crimes – even going so far as to swear
off any association with Apokolips and New Genesis. Orion had in the
meantime gained much media coverage on Earth due to his encounter with
Slig, which attracts the attention of Arnicus Wolfram, who proceeds to
capture Orion and tear out his eyes with the help of various Apokoliptan
Orion is subsequently held prisoner by
Wolfram, where he is having his energy drained in order to prolong the
life of his captor. Whilst enslaved, Orion still suffers from his ordeal
with the anti-life equation, feeling that perhaps now his punishment
has finally come. Whilst dwelling in his own self-pity, Orion soon
realizes that though he may be held captive, whatever is going on has to
be no good for someone that has gone through great lengths to acquire
the weapons to capture Orion. Angered at his blinded remorse, Orion
attempts to break free, but is eventually restrained by his captors
Rescued by Lightray
Lightray had also uncovered evidence of Orion’s escape from the Boom
Tube, finding the shattered remains of his wristbands at the bottom of
the Panama Canal from his tussle with Wolfram’s men. The cry from Orion
during his attempted escape had found its way to Lightray who then frees
Orion from his captors, where Lightray sees the now blinded Orion, and
brings him the shattered remains of his wristbands. Orion is able to
repair them but is also able to reconstruct his astro-harness. It is
explained by Orion that he was able to do this as he was finally
forgiven by the Astro-Force, as well as The Source for his act of
Orion realizes that the Astro Force had left
him when he betrayed the Source. He was the one in between the ferocity
of Apokolips and the compassion of New Genesis, which is why he was
granted the power of the Astro-Force in the first place. By using the
equation, he denounced his allegiance to the Source, which had started
when he discarded his Mother Box during his battle with Darkseid. His
absolution was completed when he surrendered the equation to the Ecruos
in order to save reality. Orion, now reunited with his Mother Box and
the Astro-Force then sets out to face his captor and put an end to
whatever evil Wolfram is up to.
Orion: Hunter
is able to go unnoticed as any threat on Earth under the guise of
Hunter, an Earthling by posing as a blind man. Though without the sense
of sight, Orion’s other senses are enhanced to adequately compensate for
it. The Dog of War is able to locate thugs using Apkoliptan technology,
and scare them off (not before they mention their boss’ name, Jingles)
in the hopes that they would return to look for him. When they do, Orion
encounters only a small-time leader that doesn’t know where Jingles is.
Attempting a new strategy, Orion intercepts one of the payments made
for the weaponry in the hope of being captured and tortured for answers.
This new strategy proves to be successful where he is leaded to an
abandoned warehouse when one of his captors receives a call from Jingles
– to which Mother Box is able to intercept.
A Blind Orion Catching a Bullet
the help of a homeless girl, Melissa, who is caught up in Jingle’s
criminal organization, and Orion devise a plan to gather the existing
Apokoliptan firetalons whereby Jingles, fearing the threat of the Dog of
War, arms his hideout with the weapons intending to kill the Dog of War
and stop him from interfering with his arms deal. Using his God-like
powers, Orion, rather easily, subdues his aggressors and is able to
extract Wolfram’s, Jingle’s supplier, by making him realize that Wolfram
had intended to kill Jingles once he outlived his usefulness –
evidenced by an exploding cellphone and Wolfram fleeing from his
building via helicopter. In the heat of anger, Jingles attempts to shoot
Orion in the back, blaming him for messing up his operation. Orion,
still blind, is able to catch the bullet, and throw it back into
Jingles’ gun, resulting in the weapon blowing up in his hand.
the weaponry sold to Wolfram (thanks to Justeen) was a temporal bender -
a device with the ability to allow the user to travel across time.
Unable to catch Wolfram on his own, Orion seeks out to help of Metron
in order to track down the energy signature left by Wolfram and the
temporal bender to trace where exactly he is located. As it turns out,
Wolfram escaped to the Central Pacific Ocean, October 31st, 1952 - the
day that the United States carried out the first test of a thermonuclear
bomb on the Marshall Islands.
Blind no-more
had anticipated that Orion would catch up to him and so devised a
scheme to kill the Dog of War: firstly, he himself would detonate the
island with Radion
bombs - a substance harmful to New Gods, and whilst he was weak, be
bombed by the thermonuclear weapons due to hit the island. However,
Orion was able to deduce Wolfram's plan, and so using the Mobius Chair,
went back in time to before his confrontation with Jingles and
dismantled the Apokoliptan weapons, including the radion bombs that
Wolfram had intended to use on Orion, as well as the protective suit
being worn by Wolfram. Disabled, Orion now goes up to Wolfram and
reclaims what he has been missing, a pair of eyes - straight from
Wolfram's eye-sockets, before declaring "The hunt is over."
Orion removes the temporal bender from Wolfram's rapidly ageing body,
and leaves his one-time captor to die on the island at the hands of the
bomb. Back on Earth, Orion visits a present-day news-stand where he
miraculously purchases a newspaper from November 1st 1952, featuring a
report of the bombing.
Children of the Pact
In Walter Simonson's
final issue of his 25-issue run on Orion, the Dog of War finds himself
in Metropolis, contemplating over recent events, and now wondering what
purpose there is left for him. After defeating possibly the biggest
threat in the universe, the Ecruos,
and surviving, Orion now wonders what there is left for him, a warrior,
to accomplish. It is during this time that Scott Free (Mr. Miracle)
locates Orion in the park. To Orion's surprise, he is able to see the
halo of the anti-life equation over Scott Free, and in a rage against
what he went through with the equation, attacks Scott, to no avail.
Scott later reveals that it was him that was dressed up as the Black
Racer that lured Orion through the Doom Tube - an attempt by Scott to
stop Orion from eternal damnation for using the equation.
Scott and Orion: Children of the Pact
had sought after Orion to offer hope to Orion's damaged soul, as well
as to know how Orion was able to get rid of it. Orion recounts his
encounter on the Abysmal Plane to Scott, as Scott invites his
step-brother to his home where dinner with Big Barda
awaits. In private, Scott reveals to Orion that he had once used the
equation as a young boy. Whilst exploring Apokolips, Scott would at
times visit the slums of Armagetto in secret, however, during one
encounter, guards of Darkseid had stormed the city and began killing
several of the citizens. Unknowingly, Scott ordered everyone to stop
using the anti-life equation, resulting in the deaths hundreds, if not
thousands of people all present on that day. Over the years, Scott
learned to surpress it in his mind and never use it again. Each year,
Scott travelled back to Armagetto to lay flowers as tribute to all those
that lost their lives.
Later, Scott and Orion are
attacked by Apokoliptan Demonoids (sent by Metron who seeks the answer
as to who it was dressed up as the Black Racer after his plan to lure
Orion into the Doom Tube had seemingly failed, and whoever was able to
resist Orion wielding the anti-life equation. Metron had discovered the
remnants of the Black Racer's costume and had been seeking his answers
all-the-while). During the attack, Scott is cut by a poisoned blade
resulting in a fever - which just happened to be the anniversary of the
last time he used the equation. Not wanting to disappoint his friend and
step-brother, Orion takes it upon himself to dress up as Mr. Miracle
and visit Armagetto to lay down the flowers to those fallen.
Orion Resumes "The Cold Game of Butcher"
Without the discreteness of Scott, Orion arrives on Apokolips, but is met by a platoon of Parademons
and is later caught and brought to Darkseid. However, the Dog of War is
able to break free from his shackles and let loose his fury on the
forces of Apokolips to do battle. After laying the flowers down in
Armagetto, Orion warns Darkseid that he their deadly game is to resume, "without
the equation! Without statecraft! Without honor! Without compromise!
Warrior to warrior! And confusion and death to the forces of Apokolips
that it should be so!"
In Orion's absence, Metron discovers that it was Scott that dressed up as the Black Racer
and so also wields the anti-life equation. Metron then blackmails Scott
to being his pawn in his pursuit of knowledge or else he will inform
Darkseid that Scott posseses the unholy black grail that he seeks - the
anti-life eqaution. Orion arrives discretely and overhears this - so he
later uses the temporal bender which he had led others to believe that
he had destroyed (in order to maintain secrecy) and go back in time and
destroy the evidence of the Black Racer's costume so that Metron would
never have stumbled upon it, and therefore never deduced that Scott was
the one responsible. Orion then goes back to the present, and leaves
Scott and Barda after their meal.
Orion renews his responsibilities
is during this time that Orion renews his old responsibilities before
any of this happened, and remains eternally grateful to Scott for this.
This encounter with Scott made him realize his role as a child of the
pact, and what Highfather's and Darkseid's
exchange of sons meant all those years ago. It is with this thought
that Orion leaves for New Genesis and resume his role as their greatest
Justice League
Orion With The JLA
has proudly served 2 terms with the League. The first time, he demanded
to serve alongside his friend Lightray. The two were admitted into the
Leagues ranks and they served until after the battle between the League
and Evil Eye. When next Orion served it was under the orders of Takion, the new leader of New Genesis following High Father's death, alongside Big Barda.
The two were to serve in preparation for the arrival of Meggadon. While
preparing for this they took part in a number of memorable missions.
Orion helped to defeat Starro after his actions had put nearly the
entirety of North America to sleep. He also, aided by Green Lantern,
Barda, Plastic Man,
and Steel managed to capture a White Martian who had regained it's
memories. On one occasion Steel was forced to steal Orion's motherbox
and use it as a telepathic shield when an apparently insane Adam Strange
kidnapped them in an attempt to defeat a Telepathic race. Orion was so
enraged his Motherbox was almost useless, devoting to much energy to
keep him calm than to do anything else. It took a blow from Wonder Woman
to bring him to his senses. When Mageddon arrived Orion and Barda gave
their all to help the League deal with the threat. After a few initial
failures Orion decided to stop holding back. Giving his motherbox to
Oracle to assist her coordination, he attacked the omnipotent being at
full ferocity, managing to do more damage then any other member of the
League. He was able to keep it busy until Superman absorbed the power of
it's energy source. Then, the threat they had come to confront defeated
Orion and Barda resigned.
Death of the New Gods
the twilight of the New Gods, Orion was one of the first on New Genesis
to discover what was happening. He had gone to what was to be a meeting
between himself, Takion and Magnar to find the later dead. When Takion
arrived with Himon in tow they feared that it was Orion who had done the
terrible deed, and were even more disturbed as Orion described what had
happened and the killer's ability to remain undetected. It was also
Orion who realized that Takion had not been alerted to the death of a
New God by the Source. Orion and his allies then set about
investigating, and were staggered as the found to true number of New
Gods either dead, or missing. Orion first blamed the Forever People, who
had been spotted near many of the killings and were also missing in
action having failed to respond to New Genesis distress beacon. After
Takion and Himon debased that theory, he immediately rushed to blame his
father Darkseid as responsible for their betrayal and the connected
deaths. Though he wanted to take the fight to Apokolips, Takion reasoned
with him why remaining on New Genesis until the threat was assessed was
best. Matter's where soon exasperated by the arrival of Scott Free and
Superman, with the news of Barda's death. As per many of their meetings,
an extremely agitated Orion founds himself engrossed in yet another
contest of strength with the Kryptonian though they were eventually
interrupted by Metron.
Conversing with Metron, and
learning that Darkseid may hold some of the information, Orion proposes
again a confrontation with his father. He, along with Superman and Scott
Free decide to confront him on Apokolips, but also that it must wait
for the funeral of Barda. Before the funeral Orion confronts Scott about
his knowledge of the Anti-Life Equation, and his desire to resurrect
Barda. After being assured that he won't, Orion sets about convincing
Scott of the possible necessity of using the Equation to stave off the
extinction of the New Gods. A conversation overheard by Superman,
revealing the secret to the Kryptonian. Orion and his allies then
proceed to pay their respects to Barda. After the rights of the funeral
Orion confronts Kal-El about what he has overheard. He explains to the
Man of Steel that by knowing the secret he is also now a member of their
conspiracy and responsible for the protection fo Scott Free. Orion and
his allies then head to Apokolips.
Upon their arrival to
Apokolips, Orion and the others are set upon by a swarm of Parademons.
The Dog of War lets loose upon his foes. The minions of Darkseid prove
no obstacle for Orion, who manages to fight on while also advising
Superman not to hold back against their foes. He is forced to save a
careless Free, admonishing him for his reckless behavior, before the
fight is over. As they head for Darkseid's citadel, they are confronted
by the sight of streets littered with the corpses of his followers.
Orion and his allies are forced to re-evaluate their opinion of
Darkseid's guilt. Arriving at the citadel they find the way barred by
Darkseid's elite, none of whom feel the need to bar their passage
feeling betrayed by their Lord's inaction. On their way deeper into the
stronghold they witness even more dead New Gods. Finally they are
assaulted by Shadow Demon's summoned by Darkseid himself, while Superman
provides a distraction Orion and Mr. Miracle continue their journey to
Darkseid's inner sanctum.
Upon their arrival, Darkseid
immediately captures Orion and Miracle with his partial knowledge of the
Equation. Mr. Miracle, with his control of the full Equation is able to
free them. He then banishes all of the Shadow Demons and traps the Lord
of Apokolips himself. Orion attempted to continue the battle, but was
stopped by Scott. He then proceeds to help in the interrogation of his
father, having a hard time believing that Darkseid has accepted defeat.
When Darkseid proves able to resist the compulsions of the Equation,
Orion attempts to convince Scott to kill him. When Scott refuses, they
return to Superman and then New Genesis. Learning of Takion's death they
prepare to elect a new leader for New Genesis. As they prepare he
converses with Kal-El, explaining how he used to hide his true face from
the people of New Genesis, but that they have come to accept him as he
is and he hides no longer. After everyone assembles Orion leads the
others in electing a new leader. It is through Orion's logic that Himon
is chosen to lead the New Gods through these troubled times. After that
issue is settled, they finally manage to locate the position of the
Forever People. Heading to the coordinates indicated they find the teen
aged group dead, having been so for a long while. Enraged Scott raises
the corpses and attempts to interrogate them, ignoring the protests of
Orion and Kal. When the corpses destroy themselves instead of reveal
their killer they are forced to return to Supertown empty handed.
on New Genesis, Orion and Superman begin to form their own conclusions.
The two both come to the conclusion that the Infinity Man must be the
killer responsible. They search Supertown for him, not managing to find a
trace. The two decide to keep their hunch from Scott, not being able to
afford him running of half-cocked. After agreeing to deciding to keep
looking for him, while also searching for other possibilities they
prepare to depart. Before he leaves Orion points out that by staying
Kal-El may share their fate, he then bids him farewell. He then flies
off. While he was gone his fellow New Gods began to suspect him, leading
to a confrontation between Orion and Scott that Superman had to
diffuse. In the end Orion decides, true to form, to challenge the God
Killer to one on one combat. Hoping to give his allies the opportunity
to figure out his identity he prepares to sacrifice himself. Seeing the
killer approach he rushes him on his Astro-Harness, leading to a
cataclysmic explosion and his death. The explosion was so grand it
blinded even Superman, reminding him why the denizens of the Fourth
World profess divinity. Because of his Rage he is the only New God to
return to the Source after his death, leaving behind only his helmet.
His demise is sensed by his father, who looks towards the explosion,
lamenting the ending of their joint story.
Death of Orion
that wasn't the end of Orion. It is later discovered that the source
was able to retrieve his soul. When Darkseid, using a potion giving him
access to all the deceased New Gods power, challenges it; the Source
calls upon Orion to defeat his father. Orion, returned by the source to
an energy projection of his original body, then begins fighting his
father. Orion is able to fight Darkseid on an even footing again even
with his new augmentations, because as his son he is able to tap into
the same power. Orion is able to hold his father off, and he later
retreats as the Source moves to destroy Apokolips. As he flees Darkseid
warns Orion that their battle has only been postponed.
Orion Kills Darkseid
Darkseid heads to Earth, attempting to retrieve the entirety of the
fallen Gods power from Jimmy Olsen, Orion follows him. Returned to his
original body, Orion confronts his father for the final time. The two
begin a fierce battle in the streets of Metropolis while the League
looks on, kept out of it by Superman who explains some things are
between Father's and sons. Orion is able to match his father blow for
blow for a time, citing the prophecy. Darkseid then manages to gain the
upper hand, stating that the destruction of Apokolips proves the
negation of the prophecy. Fueled by his rage, and gathering his strength
Orion is able to turn the tides back in his favor. He then proceeds to
dominate the rest of the fight. In the end he rips his father's heart
from his chest, citing it as fire-pit enough to fulfill the prophecy.
Orion then, refusing any care or help, wanders off into the streets of
Metropolis, the last of the New Gods.
An undisclosed
amount of time later Orion is found dying in a pile of trash near the
Docs of Metropolis by Dan Turpin. Turpin tries to rouse Orion, burning
his hand against the skin of the New God. He is apparently dying of his
wounds from the battle with his father. As the Black Racer looms over
him, he gathers the last of his strength to stand to his feet.
Describing the war in heaven, and how it left if cracked and broken he
attempts to warn Turpin. Orion's apocalyptic words to Turpin "They did
not die! He is in you all..." presumably referring to the survival of
Darkseid and his elite (a fact later proven true).
Death of Orion
then died, yet as benefiting the Dog of War his final words to Humanity
are to "fight". His death led to an investigation by the Guardians of
the Universe's Green Lantern Corps and the Justice League of America,
alerting them to Darkseid's presence and set in motion the events of
Final Crisis. During this investigation it is found out that Darkseid
was able to use Metron's moebius Chair to fire a Radion Bullet into the
past and murder his son. Orion's death also had an affect on the
superhero community, the death of the Warrior God causing a dulling of
their own warrior spirit and dulling of their skills.
and Darkseid were apparently right and Earth will be responsible for
giving birth to the Fifth World. Darkseid and his Elite, by possessing
human hosts, have been able to take control of Earth through the
Anti-Life Equation and await the birth of the Fifth World. The New Gods
are set to rise again, and Orion the Dog of War will be among them.
New 52
appears at the end of Wonder Woman #12. He claws his way out of a grave
and dons his helmet. He then transports himself through a boom tube to
an undisclosed location.
He has been sent to Earth by the
Highfather to deal with a threat (the baby) that would end the
source-which means the end of time and existence. Orion works with Milan
and later Wonder Woman and Lennox to deal with the situation. Together
they find War, who takes them to where Hermes and Demeter are hiding the
baby. Orion states that he in fact does not want to kill a baby, even
though he might have to later on.
War brings the baby,
now named Zeke, home to his mother, Zola. After a battle with the First
Born, Orion take Wonder Woman, Zeke, Hera and Zola to New Genesis.
Highfather is disappointed at Orion for bringing the threat of the
universe to New Genesis. Against Highfather's wishes, Orion brings Zeke
back to Earth, where they will help fight the First Born and his army.
Meanwhile, Orion has also been sent to destroy Hector Hammond's mind inside of Superman.
Powers and Abilities
The Dog of War
of Orion's location of creation which is in a realm called the Source,
it seems as if using the energy from the Source Wall and using their own
kind of technology has evolved the New Gods, including Orion, into
something of a race of higher level, perfect superhumans. This means
they have the same physical image as humans but are far smarter,
stronger, faster, more durable, more agile and more flexible. Orion's
strength is unmeasured but is said to be the equal of his father,
Darkseid. He has been able to defeat Darkseid once in pitched battle and
has been able to more than hold his own against such major league
heavyweights as Superman and Wonder Woman. He is strong enough to be
able to knock out his step-brother Kalibak with only one blow. He's
durable enough to have part of a city dropped on him only to shrug it
off without suffering any harm or damge. He is nearly impossible to stop
on Earth as there is no earthly substance known to exist which can
resist or affect his power, though beings of comparable or greater power
and barriers gaining their power from the Source Wall have been known
to stop him at some point. Because of his rage, Orion does not fatigue
easily though he is not entirely tireless or unstoppable as he has shown
fatigue when fighting against Darkseid. When injured, Orion's healing
factor helps to quickly recover even healing him when multiple and/or
severe injuries ever occur. With the more serious injuries, he can use
the Mother Box to heal him while even supplying him with more energy to
continue fighting, helping or living..
Orion also is able
to harness an inter dimensional energy called the "Astro Force". Also
known as the "wrath of the Source" it is an energy powerful enough to
destroy planets, equaled only by the Omega Force under Darkseid's
control. While Orion himself is a conduit for the Astro Force, he can
use either the Astro Harness or his wristbands as a valve through which
he can project this energy. He uses the Astro Force primarily as a
weapon, but once he was shown to be able to use the Astro Force to
create an energy shield powerful enough to deflect Darkseid's "Omega
Effect". It should be noted that Darkseid wanted this to happen, so the
end result might not be that accurate.
Even though a god,
Orion still has weaknesses. One weakness is a substance called Radion.
The average god cannot withstand its damage, though Orion who is more
advanced, with armor and the Mother Box can take a couple hits and
survive, though it probably puts Orion in a very weak state. Another
weakness is the way he thinks and how he goes about doing things. He is a
warrior of rage and will stop at nothing to defeat his enemy, even if
it means destroying many innocent lives. For him to be restrained, he
has to be constantly reminded and on one occasion, been punched to calm
him down. Also, because of his warrior trait, he does not know the
difference between weakness and defenselessness even though he is highly
intelligent because of his race. Also it appears that despite his many
godly attributes, he can still be affected by some forms of psionic
manipulation such as his own Mother Box's calming influence and Raven's empathic powers.
The Astro Harness
uses a device called the Astro-Harness which he wears like a jet pack.
It has many features including the ability to transport Orion around
space, a powerful energy blast, an energy shield which absorbs attacks, a
life support system and the Astro-Harness' ability to repair itself, as
long as a part of it still exists. However, not everyone can use it, as
only Orion's personality is fit for the Astro-Harness. Because of it's
connection to the Source, only Orion, who is poised perfectly between
the peaceful ways of New Genesis and the destructive fury of Apokalips,
can properly control it. Anyone else using it may cause damage, as the
ability to use the energy blast on it can cause a lot of damage - more
damage then Orion could create. However, in time of extreme danger, it
can be programmed so that another user can use it. This is a last resort
as no other's are truly compatible enough to control it properly for
The Astro-Harness, like many of the technology of
New Genesis, can repair itself. Orion's Mother Box can also attach to
the harness, but this is an ability of the Mother Box, not the
Alternate Versions
IN 1996, DC and Marvel combined to create a series of comics under the Amalgam
banner which combined one hero from each publisher into a joint
character. Orion ws joined with the mythos of Marvels' Thor to create Thorion Of The New Asgods who debuted in his eponymous one shot.
Tangent Universe
this universe Orion is a magical being who can transport others,
objects, and himself anywhere on Earth. With the help of additional
power sources (such as a green lantern ring) he can transport beings
into other universes. Orion is currently helping the Superman of Earth
Kingdom Come
has overthrown Darkseid as leader of Apokolips. Superman tries to
recruit Orion for his new Justice League, but changes his mind when he
sees that Orion is a tyrant much like Darkseid was.
Height- 6'1"
Weight- 195lbs
Eyes- Blue (his eyes glow red when angry)
Hair- Red
Other Media
DC Animated Universe:
Superman: Animated Series:
Character design for DCAU Orion
In the two part episode, 'Apokolips...Now!',
Orion, voiced by Steve Sandor, arrives on Earth via Boom Tube to warn
Superman of Darkseid and his army approaching Earth in their quest to
find the anti-life equation. Orion aids in Superman's defense of
Metropolis' Air Force base from an attack from Intergang, using
Apokoliptan technology. Orion leaves the battle victorious, but warns
Superman, before leaving, that the war against Darkseid has not yet been
won, and offers his assistance to Superman in the event that Kal El
would require it.
Orion teaming up with Superman
Orion's absence, Earth is attacked by Darkseid who is able to capture
Superman. Superman, with the help of Turpin is able to free himself, but
just before Superman was about to fight Darkseid, Orion returns to
Earth along with Mr. Miracle, Big Barda, Lightray
and other forces of New Genesis to put the Earth under the protection
of New Genesis and that any further acts of aggression by Darkseid would
result in retaliation by the forces of their sister planet - forcing
Darkseid to return to Apokolips.
Justice League:
With Lightray, Wonder Woman, Batman and Highfather Izaya
After his appearance on 'Superman: The Animated Series' , Orion returns in the two-part episode 'Twilight',
and is now voiced by Ron Perlman. Orion is firstly seen upholding the
peace treaty between New Genesis and Apokolips as he defends a planet
under New Genesis' protection from Darkseid's forces, spearheaded by Steppenwolf, in the overlord's pursuit of the anti-life equation. Orion is later called into action when Batman and Wonder Woman arrive on New Genesis, under the instructions of Superman,
in order to seek the Dog of War's help in stopping Darkseid. In this
episode, Darkseid had originally seeked Kal-El's help as Apokolips was
under attack by Brainiac.
At the insistence of the rest of the Justice League, Superman agrees to
help Apokolips defend itself and stop Brainiac, but errs on the side of
caution as he believes that Darkseid is still up to no good -
explaining why Superman wanted Orion's help.
Orion and Darkseid's only animated fight
Superman's warnings prove correct, and Orion is able to aid free Superman and rescue Hawkgirl and Martian Manhunter
before taking on Darkseid himself. In the ensuing battle, Darkseid is
able to defeat his son, however, falls at the hands of the Man of Steel.
Orion is brought back to New Genesis by Batman and Superman, and is
nursed back to health.
Justice League Unlimited:
With Wally West and Batman (JLU)
Orion's final DCAU appearance arrives in the third and final season of 'Justice League Unlimited' in the episode 'Flash and Substance'. Batman convinces Orion to join him in Central City's tribute to Wally West, where they later come up against members of the Flash's rogues gallery, namely Captain Boomerang, Trickster, Captain Cold and Mirror Master.
During this episode, Orion has troubles with Wally's immaturity,
considering his membership to the Justice League. Orion later comes to
the realisation that Wally only "plays the part of the fool" in order to cope with heavy burdens of being a superhero.
Orion had previously made a non-speaking role in the season one episode, 'The Return', as part of the Justice League's defense against Amazo's return to Earth.
didn't appear in the episode called Prophecy, However, his name was
mentioned by Kara who tells that Orion was the biological son of
Darkseid. Oliver Queen was on the quest to steal the Bow of Orion which
could ultimately remove the Omega symbol from his head and stop Darkseid
for good. But Granny Goodness arrived in time and destroyed the Bow of
Orion before Oliver could even use it.